MINECRAFT 基岩版 1.20.80 Armor up and adventure together!整装上阵,一同冒险!Eight new wolf ...
8.The '/camera set' command will now run in the correct order when an existing camera interpolation is running (MCPE-183986) '/camera set'命令现在将以正确的顺序运行,当现有的相机插值正在运行(MCPE-183986) 译者注:相机插值通常指的是在图像处理中,通过算法增加图像的分辨率或改善图像质量的过程。 Gene...
If everything is working, your custom camera preset should show up in the auto-complete list when typing the camera command. Camera Presets are specified in JSON files in the game's behavior packs, for example: JSON Copy { "format_version": "1.19.50", "minecraft:camera_preset": { "id...
加入了 /camera 命令作为实验性摄像头控制的一部分 This command can switch to custom camera perspectives or fade the screen 这个命令用于修改玩家的相机视角和屏幕的淡入淡出 Use /help camera to get a full list of options 使用/help camera 可以获得详细说明 Added a new experimental Cameras toggle to al...
curse_binding = 绑定诅咒 curse_vanishing = 消失诅咒 damage_all = 锋利 damage_arthropods = 节肢杀手 damage_undead = 亡灵杀手 digging = 效率 durability = 耐久 fire = 火焰附加 fishingSpeed = 饵钓 frostwalker = 冰霜行者 knockback = 击退
更多信息详见Camera Command Introduction | Microsoft Learn The server now sends chunks and actors around the camera to the client if that information already exists on the server even when the camera is placed far away from the player 现在若服务端上已存在该信息,即使相机视角位于远离玩家的地方,服务...
加载提示(Loading Tips)是基岩版和原主机版在加载世界时显示的一段提示语。 以下是当前使用的部分加载提示。 以下是在水域更新的基础上添加的加载提示。 以下是首批加入的加载提示,只应用于水域更新之前的版本。 以下是玩家使用基岩版Beta时,代替常规提示出现的加载提示
minecraft:camera minecraft:campfire minecraft:candle minecraft:candle_cake minecraft:carrots minecraft:cartography_table minecraft:carved_pumpkin minecraft:cauldron minecraft:cave_vines minecraft:cave_vines_body_with_berries minecraft:cave_vines_head_with_berries minecraft:chain minecraft:chain_command_block mine...
CameraSetLocationOptions CameraSetPosOptions CameraSetRotOptions CameraTargetOptions DefinitionModifier DimensionLocation Enchantment EntityApplyDamageByProjectileOptions EntityApplyDamageOptions EntityDamageSource EntityDataDrivenTriggerEventOptions EntityEffectOptions ...
class ArmorSlotType(object): DEFAULT = -1 HEAD = 0 BODY = 1 LEG = 2 FOOT = 3 # AttrType描述 描述属性枚举值,用于attr属性组件 备注 ABSORPTION: 伤害吸收效果的量化值,详见wiki文档:伤害吸收 class AttrType(object): HEALTH = 0 SPEED = 1 DAMAGE = 2 UNDERWATER_SPEED = 3 HUNGER = 4 ...