时间控制(Time Control)模组允许玩家自定义配置游戏内早晚的时长 游戏内默认白天/夜晚的时间为现实世界的10分钟,你可以使用该模组进行修改 甚至可以使游戏内的时间与你的系统时间同步(24小时!) 整合包maker们可以关注一下?(比如延长夜晚时间这种操作233) 官网原文 For years when playing the game I yearned for ...
【搬运】 Time ..怎么?瞧不起我这个水笔马上我上学去了连签到都不行了源地址: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/minecraft-pocket-edition/mcpe-mods-tools/2316565-0-10-4-time-control-mod-by-sin0psyss-go-back-in
出现This application requires a JavaRuntime Environment (官方启动器、HelloMinecraft)即缺少Java运行时环境,点击确定自动打开Java下载页面下载并安装。出现java路径有误,是否已安装java?(MCLauncher启动器)通常安装java时如果是使用的默认路径不会出现这种情况。如果未安装java,前往http://www.java.com/zh_CN/download...
Minecolonies is a huge mod that essentially turns Minecraft into a town management simulation. If you're more about exploring than building, but still want to feel like you've really left your mark, maybe become the caretaker of a Minecraft colony. You'll manage NPC village workers, plan the...
Crowded servers are fun to play on, but they can make it difficult to track conversations. Instead of trying to multi-task by watching your character and the chat lines, considerthisChat Bubblemod. It puts the conversation for each player above their head, so you only have to watch each ...
解决方法:请删除服务端里的单机mod来源:安装了单机mod的服务端本质:服务端里缺少像客户端一样的有关图形界面的类和方法,单机mod调用这些方法时会显示找不到类(NoClassDefFoundError)例:(血量显示等大量单机mod导致的崩溃)--- Minecraft Crash Report ---// Oh - I know what I did wrong!Time: 15-1-20 下午...
Applied Energistics 2- A Minecraft Mod about Matter, Energy and using them to conquer the world. Mainly focused on item storage. Draconic Evolution- One of the best tech mod there is, but really overpowered in the late game. Adds things like a Draconic Power Core which no one has been ab...
All trim patterns are visually the same on an armor's item icon, but the color will still change based on the trim material 不同的盔甲纹饰锻造模板决定纹饰种类,同时不同的锻造原材料决定它 颜色 To check which trim pattern a piece of armor has, you can hover over it in the inventory 要确...
after release. There is no way that a user can get the mod before the release unless it’s fake. So we want to inform you that please be patient for the official release in order to get the amazing experience of the Minecraft. We hope you will have a brilliant time playing Minecraft....
You can't handle the truth!你无法掌控真相! 好人寥寥中的台词。 Party time! Excellent!派对时间!真不错! Rufio! Rufio! Cowabunga!卡哇邦嘎! 忍者神龟中米开朗基罗的口头禅。 The Year of the Cartridge!卡带时代! 游戏卡带在1990年代较为流行。 Now rated by the ESRB!现已由ESRB评级! ESRB成立...