Gliding with an Elytra or unique mob actions (Ravager roaring, Wolf shaking, etc.) 用鞘翅滑翔或特殊的生物动作(劫掠兽吼叫、狼甩水等) Equipping gear 装备盔甲 Interacting with a mob 与生物互动 Mobs and players getting damaged 生物或玩家受到伤害 Consuming items (drinking and eating) 消耗物品(吃或...
-Skulls 将头颅作为盔甲穿戴 -Elytra 将鞘翅作为盔甲穿戴 Auto Clicker 自动连点 -Sword 手持剑时才会启用 -Jitter 抖动点击 -Hold 当鼠标按住时才能自动连点 -Item Use 在使用物品时自动点击(吃东西/丢药水) -Hit Delay 攻击冷却时间 -TPS Sync 将点击延迟与服务器的TPS同步 -TriggerBot -Range 达到与目标的距...
If you are the owner of skin server, you can use CustomSkinLoader to load skins from your server if one of the APIs has been actualized by your server. HD Skins Support Even though you don't have OptiFine and MCPatcher, CustomSkinLoader can still load and render HD skins. You can ea...
|每周快照是 Minecraft Java 版的测试机制,主要用于下一个正式版的特性预览。|然而,每周快照主要用于新...
This is theMinecraft Roleplay Server List- All the servers you can find below are based on roleplaying. Only join one of them if you are truely interested in roleplay. Roleplay servers can be some of the most fun servers to be on, but it requires more from every player than traditional...
In creative you can freely get blocks out of the inventory with out mining or crafting them, and you also can fly without elytra, don’t have to eat, and can last indefinitely underwater! Then in survival, you get to fight of mobs, go mining, and maybe find elytra so you can glide...
Fixed Elytra's animation during split-screen 修正了分屏模式下鞘翅的动画 Fix attached Lead position when second player is using first person perspective 修正了第二个玩家使用第一人称视角时附加的主导位置 Fixed an issue with reloading RTX worlds that caused DX11 to be used, resulting in a black scre...
Curious Elytra (by TheIllusiveC4) Dark Utilities (by DarkhaxDev) Decorative Blocks (by stohun) Default Options (by BlayTheNinth) Double Slabs (by CJMinecraft01) Druidcraft (by VulpTheHorseDog) EmbellishCraft (by Mapper) Ender Storage 1.8.+ (by covers1624) ...
1. You need to add a feature where you can import custom structures from worlds that can generate 2. You should add custom chest loot feature (like loot tables) for the structures but you can choose where items are 3. You should add a custom chest option for new entities 4. Make it ...
Elytra item, Brown Beds, underwater particles Fixed a few things like conduit textures/particles, potted bamboo, Pur Pur block colors Improved the way Ores blend in on the top of Deepslate blocks Added custom Axolotl bucket textures based on what Axolotl variant is inside (Optifine) Fixed and...