The Crafting Table recipe is unlocked immediately on creating a new world 在创建世界后,工作台的配方现在会立即解锁 The Crossbow recipe is no longer unlocked by sticks 弩的配方现在不需要由木棍解锁 The Soul Campfire recipe is no longer unlocked by sticks 灵魂营火的配方现在不需要由木棍解锁UPDATED CR...
If the field is missing in data, will still fall back to 1 若数据中不包含该字段,则会回落到1 RECIPES 配方 Recipe types crafting_shaped, crafting_shapeless, stonecutting and smithing_transform now accept components for the result item stack 配方类型crafting_shaped、crafting_shapeless、stonecutting和sm...
- removed lightning resist & speed from copper but added immunizationv1.9 alpha 1.2:- Remove bread recipe because there is dough- Coral needs metadata for not dropping the items- Lowered graveyard spawning- Made wither always be infernal- Removed Magical from banshee lycanites config...
among other things. You advance by adding points via killing or infecting mobs (There should be a points contributed counter and bar on the HUD, the milestones are the same as Evolution Phases),but you cannot advance past the current Evolution Phase...
All in all, it is a great mod that adds a whole bunch of new swords and enchantments to the game, and crafting the swords is only part of the journey to unlock their full potential, you will need to enchant them as well. Great if you’re want some new toys to play with. ...
Or, it is in cooldown but was not Ominous during its last activation 试炼刷怪笼或其在冷却中,但上一次激活时没有转变为不祥 Making it Ominous this way will bypass the cooldown 通过此方式将试炼刷怪笼转变为不祥变种将会使其跳过冷却 While active, it will: ...
For now, the count field on Item Stacks is always stored again, even if 1 物品堆叠的count字段又会保持存储了,即使值为1 If the field is missing in data, will still fall back to 1 若数据中不包含该字段,则会回落到1 RECIPES配方 Recipe types crafting_shaped, crafting_shapeless, stonecutting an...
If the field is missing in data, will still fall back to 1 若数据中不包含该字段,则会回落到1 RECIPES 配方 Recipe types crafting_shaped, crafting_shapeless, stonecutting and smithing_transform now accept components for the result item stack ...