Many of the same concepts of the Java edition can be found in the touchscreen Bedrock game. You have aninventory, where you can store and choose materials, such as wood forbuilding. The main parts of the game are moving around and picking up and placing blocks. Theadaptation of these fun...
WorldEdit: Bedrock Edition Gives you the tools to make building easier and more fun! ByCennac. Published on 12 Feb, 2025 5 Enchantment level limiter An addont to limit the max level of an item/book. ByCennac. Published on 12 Feb, 2025 ...
Minecraft Bedrock 1.19 更新引入了各種新命令,使玩家能夠更好地控制自己的遊戲體驗。“/give”命令允許玩家輕鬆召喚物品,而“/clear”命令可用於清除庫存中的所有物品。要自定義生物,您可以使用“/summon”、“/replaceitem”和“/effect”命令。此外,您可以使用“/time set”命令控制遊戲中的時間。最後,那些尋求挑戰...
Piratecraft’s salty setting makes it one of thebuilding game‘s best roleplay servers. Of course, if you’re roleplaying a pirate, there’s going to be some grief involved, and provided the owner is in a Safe Zone, other players can siege them. Attackers can destroy ‘soft’ blocks a...
Minecraft is a game where players place blocks and go on adventures. This includes anything from crafting simple items like containers or weapons, to building structures like houses, castles, and cities, or even making complex mechanical-devices, all within the game’s world. Minecraft Bedrock se...
Servers are automatically provisioned upon purchase and ready to play in seconds so you can start building today. Free Subdomain All orders include a free web address for your server making it easy to connect for all. [yourname] ...
Building out your server world It is important for Server administrators to understand the content they are hosting via their server and should opt-in to using experimental capabilities. For this reason, by default, generated worlds in Bedrock Dedicated Server do not have the Beta APIs experiment ...
Tag us on social channels with #BedrockEditor. #BedrockEditor 在社交媒体上标记我们,编辑器和相应API目前正在Windows PC Bedrock Preview版本上进行早期开发。 Learn how to use the Editor, join the GitHub Discussion forum to engage with the team, and get started building extensions via the starter kit...
Building Custom Content Whether you are creating first Add-On or your one-hundredth, there is content for all types of creators to help you on your journey! Getting Started with Add-On Development Working with Add-Ons in Minecraft: Bedrock Edition is easy! Learn how to get started Getting...
A bridge/proxy allowing you to connect to Minecraft: Java Edition servers with Minecraft: Bedrock Edition. java minecraft translator spigot fabric bungee proxy protocol velocity bedrock packet pe hacktoberfest minecraft-bedrock-edition bedrock-edition geyser java-edition geysermc bedrock-to-java Updated...