9998 4 06:36 App 【我的世界】MOD推荐 船都开过吧 这麽大的船呢? 7.2万 55 01:03 App 模组推荐:便捷的木制载具,运输物品更加方便! 4025 3 10:29 App 我的世界_aleki's Nifty Ships/模组介绍 3021 1 02:50 App 我的世界Java版优质船只模组推荐介绍Small ships模组使用方法视频P2 16.0万 193 04:48...
打造你自己的船只,穿越湖泊大海。创造属于你自己的航海奇迹,Cuchaz的船MOD,给我们建造自己的船只旅行于我的世界的机会,船只涉及到重量浮力速度等各项参数来增加游戏的真实性。 作者:Cuchaz 官网:Ships Mod 打造船只: 要造一艘船,你首先需要搭建核心部分:船方块,有7种类型,可以创造多艘船(最基本的20方块到最大的1000...
Ships Mod 1.20.5 for Minecraftshowcases extraordinary quality of cruises in the game. It brings a new medium of transportation in Minecraft which helps the playing to move from one place to another with out drowning into the water. Previously the quality of the carriers were not as amazing as...
The Ships Mod is a pretty impressive mod as it allows you, the player, to craft your very own ships from default Minecraft blocks! To start building your own ship, you first need a ship block, and there are 7 different kinds of ship blocks, each one allowing you to create a bigger a...
UCHIJAAAAWalledCityMod{0.1.9} [Walled City Generator] (遗迹生成.jar) UCHIJAAAAonlysilver{1.9.4-1.7.2} [OnlySilver] (银.jar) UCHIJAAAAshinyfood{1.5} [ShinyFood] (闪亮的食物.jar) UCHIJAAAAMovingWorld{1.7.10-1.7.12B} [Moving World] (阿基米德的船 (1).jar) UCHIJAAAAArchimedesShipsPlus{1.7...
of ships. Essentially you use the clipboard to make the initial copy by right clicking any ship block attached to a ship. If you’re in survival mode, you’ll be able to use the Ship Projector to project an image of your ship as a hologram and then just simply build on top of it!
Modpack permissions: You are allowed to use the Small Ships Mod in any kind of modpack, as long as you link back to this page and don’t make any money of the modpack.CurseForge - a world of endless gaming possibilities for modders and gamers alike.Download the best mods and addons!
Minecraft-Mod-Language-Package-1.19.zip ✔ smallships Mod Domain 验证通过。 ℹ smallships-1.19 语言文件验证通过。 ⚠ 警告:PR 中 smallships-1.19 的英文语言文件与最新模组 smallships-fabric-1.19.4-2.0.0-a2.3.3.jar 内的英文语言文件不对应。自动获取的文件只能反映大多数情况,可能并不需要更新...
Hire Villager Workers and let them farm, mine or even fish for you! Recruit Villagers and command them into war! Modpack permissions: You are allowed to use the Small Ships Mod in any kind of modpack, as long as you link back to this page and don’t make any money of the modpack...
Eureka! Build ships in Minecraft out of ordinary blocks, with physics. - Download the Minecraft Mod Eureka! Ships! for Valkyrien Skies (Forge/Fabric) by rubydesic on Modrinth