Minecraft是一款沙盒类电子游戏,中国版官方译为《我的世界》[5],又称《当个创世神》,开创者为马库斯·泊松(Notch)。游戏现由Mojang Studios维护,隶属于微软Xbox游戏工作室。 自开创伊始到延斯·伯根斯坦(Jeb)加入并负责开发之前,Minecraft几乎全部的开发工作由Notc
I might have an idea of what's going on. Did you copy your entire mods folder from a client to the server after the .connector folder was generated? Connector only strips sided code when transforming jars, therefore running the client and then copying the output jars to a server will leav...
There are a few different workstations that have their own uses. Since they’re pretty commonly used, you’ll get used to them quickly. There are even a couple of new materials and resources. After you build the smeltery, you can smelt metals and use them to create even more powerful ...
I might have an idea of what's going on. Did you copy your entire mods folder from a client to the server after the .connector folder was generated? Connector only strips sided code when transforming jars, therefore running the client and then copying the output jars to a server will leav...
Minecraft skins: New looksMinecraft mods: Beyond vanillaMinecraft shaders: SpotlightMinecraft seeds: Fresh new worldsMinecraft texture packs: PixelatedMinecraft servers: Online worldsMinecraft commands: All cheatsMinecraft build ideas: What to build next But what if you're more of the PvP and mini...
Minecraft skins: New looksMinecraft mods: Beyond vanillaMinecraft shaders: SpotlightMinecraft seeds: Fresh new worldsMinecraft texture packs: PixelatedMinecraft servers: Online worldsMinecraft commands: All cheatsMinecraft build ideas: What to build next But what if you're more of the PvP and mini...
Minecraft Mods are special modifications created by community members to expand the gameplay possibilities of Minecraft. They allow players to add unique features, such as new items, weapons, structures, blocks and mobs, as well as changing existing ones
Here's the list of the mods included : Additional Lanterns by SuperMartijn642 AppleSkin by squeek502 Architectury API by shedaniel, Juicebus, MaxNeedsSnacks Balm by BlayTheNinth Bendy-lib by KosmX Biomes O'Plenty by Forstride, TheAdubbz ...
If you’re looking to expand the ways you can build and alter blocks, then look no further than the Carpenter’s Blocks Mod. This mod adds new types of blocks that are to be used as a sort of “scaffolding” blocks, … Continue Reading → ...
Everyone who has a premium (paid) Minecraft account can join the server. No client mods are necessary to join the server. The server has an established community since 2010 of passionate builders, texture artists and coders. A lot of people learned how to build in specific styles and themes...