输入wget https://ci.ender.zone/job/EssentialsX/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/jars/EssentialsX-2.21.0-dev+68-993d7ed.jar把EssentialsX下载下来(右键网页上的Download按钮取得下载链接)。) GroupManager 一个权限组插件,操作简单,适用于所有插件的权限节点的给予和删除。 例如给予所有玩家使用某一指令指令:/mangadd...
Builders gonna build Shop all Minecraft Get the look Minecraft shirts, jackets & accessories for fans of all ages. Shop now Bring the game to life Build your world with LEGO® sets & plush. Shop now Sleep, dream & game Cozy up in a pixelated world with bedding. ...
Tech and serious style collide in the SteamPunk mod pack, with everything from Create to Ad Astra and a robust suite of biome and world generation mods. If you've ever wanted to build a proper train, conquer your blocky world with industry (and a little magic), or just sail an airshi...
Benchmaking Craft a workbench with four blocks of wooden planks. Pick up a crafting table from the inventory's crafting field output or a crafting table output. 10G Bronze Librarian Build some bookshelves to improve your enchantment table. Pick up a bookshelf from a crafting table output. 20G...
Build a self-sustaining bunker on Mars? Go mining on Venus? The entire Solar System, better yet, The Milky Way, is at your disposal! Ad Astra: Giselle Addon Ad Astra addon adds things for convenience like the Oxygen Can / Netherite Oxygen Can, Sliding Door Key, Fuel Loader, Automation ...
v0.8.0build 2 The textures of iron doors have been changed to before v0.2.1 alpha2. v0.11.0build 1 Door has been now renamed to Oak Door. v0.12.1build 1 Doors are now stackable to 64. The crafting recipes of doors now yield 3 doors instead of 1. Zombies can now break down wo...
· 加入了getBuildBlockLocation():Vector3函数。 · 用于获取生成的方块位置。 · 移除了blockLocation属性。 · 移除了buildBlockLocation属性。 · ItemStopUseOnEvent · 加入了getBlockLocation():Vector3函数。 · 用于获取被影响的方块位置。 · 移除了blockLocation属性。 · ItemUseOnEvent · 加入了getBloc...
You can make your own scarecrow. To do this, build a structure out of two dark oak logs, a block of hay, and a carved pumpkin, then right-click on the pumpkin with the Ethereal Spirit item. Seared Spirit A scarecrow on fire, aggressive towards the player. Spirit attacks set the victim...
public static BlockPathTypesgetBlockPathTypeStatic(BlockGetter level,BlockPos.MutableBlockPos pos){int x=pos.getX();int y=pos.getY();int z=pos.getZ();BlockPathTypes type=WalkNodeEvaluator.getBlockPathTypeRaw(level,pos);if(type==BlockPathTypes.OPEN&&y>=var0.getMinBuildHeight()+1){BlockPat...
The ItemStartUseOnEvent now only fires for the first block that is interacted with when performing a build action 现在ItemStartUseOnEvent 事件只会以搭建时第一个交互的方块为对象触发 The ItemUseOnEvent now only fires if the item is successfully used on a block 现在ItemUseOnEvent 事件只会在物品...