In that note, I have changed some of the newer textures to bring them more in line with the "Programmer Art Style" (Without doing a full remake of all of them, like some other projects out there. A example change: changing the "Bucket of Powdered Snow" to use the 1.13 bucket ...
This is a new type of fish found underwater in Lush Cave. Players can catch them using a bucket and tame them. Tamed Axolotl mobs protect players. In the Minecraft world, they spawn in different colors. During the battle, they can pretend to be dead to restore health. BundlesThe ...
small dungeon made of sandstone generates under deserts, beach, and warm ocean contains Husk spawner Ice Dungeon small dungeon made of ice, packed ice, snow, and powdered snow generates under snow biomes contains Stray spawner a unique weapon the "Ice Dagger" can be found here Wild Dungeon ...
Added in 1.9,These two are used to clear potion effects from those affected, the Bottle o' Milk can be made with any potion (Including water), and a bucket of milk in a brewing stand, though the dispel staff can only be obtained via a Zombie Wizard. Heartpiercers: a set of weapons ...
Reduced likelihood of toothpick pillars (tall 1-block thin pillars) Other tweaks to make the cheese caves more varied and interesting Ore distribution Slightly more iron Larger diamond blobs sometimes form Powdered snow Powder snow's durability / hardness was slightly increased ...
Tweaks to Powdered Snow 调整细雪 Dripstone clusters can now be found rarely in normal caves 现在在普通洞穴中会有稀少的滴水石簇生成 Deepslate blobs can now be found beTween heights 0 and 16 现在可以在0-16层找到深板岩团簇 Axolotls and glow squids now spawn in underground water sources ...
63. Bucket Of Fried Chicken 64. Oysters Rockefeller 65. Coffee 66. Pickle 67. Choclate Cake 68. Corn 69. Uncooked Alligator 70. Strawberry Popsicle 71. Iced Soda 72. Clam Cakes 73. Moon Cookies 74. Moon Pattys 75. Chocolate Raspberry Brownies ...
It is tamable using snowball. Can be fed with snowball or powdered snow bucket to heal. HP - 20 Atk Dmg - 5 [Effect:Slowness] Downloads Earth Magic.mcaddon (428.88 KB) Supported Minecraft versions 1.21.50 You may also like...
Tweaks to Powdered Snow 调整细雪 Dripstone clusters can now be found rarely in normal caves 现在在普通洞穴中会有稀少的滴水石簇生成 Deepslate blobs can now be found beTween heights 0 and 16 现在可以在0-16层找到深板岩团簇 Axolotls and glow squids now spawn in underground water sources ...
Virulent Quicksand (functions like how quicksand does in real life, as well as Powdered Snow; immediate suffocation when fallen through) Aersmog: A type of Aercloud that is created from the mixture of Water and Poison. Inflicts the Inebration effect when stepped on. ...