When comparing the different shaders of Minecraft, each one ostensibly presents its qualities of graphic quality or configuration accessibility. But apart from these, BSL shaders have something else to argue: their perfection.BSL Shaders, designed by CaptTatsu, and they are already in their ...
The top site for Minecraft shaders! Find, download, and install shaders to enhance your game with stunning visuals and immersive effects.
Download BSL Shaders for Minecraft PE: make the game world beautiful with a unique system of light, add bright colors, and more! BSL Shader for MCPE Minecraft PE fans often want to improve the game settings. They change the graphics, develop their own texture packs and shaders. The functio...
BSL Shaders - Classic is a shaderpack made exclusively for Minecraft: Java Edition. It's oriented towards vanilla aesthetics. This shader includes realtime shadows, volumetric light, ambient occlusion, bloom, customizable clouds and water, and built in anti-aliasing. Additional effects are available...
BSL Shaders – Classic 材质包是《我的世界》社区中最受欢迎的光影材质包之一,凭借其出色的视觉效果和高度的自定义能力,深受玩家喜爱。BSL Shaders的“Classic”版本则是在保留经典元素的同时,进一步优化了游戏的画面效果,为玩家提供了一个更具沉浸感的游戏体验。
*My shader and myself (the author) should be credited clearly, add link to my site if possible. INSTALLATION Download and install Optifine or Iris Download the shaderpack Put the shaderpack inside .minecraft\shaderpacks Launch Minecraft Open Options, Video Settings, Shaders Choose BSL ShadersMo...
1.BSL Shaders 风格:卡通 配置:低 兼容性:高 作者:CaptTatsu: 【https://twitter.com/capttatsu】 官网: 【https://bitslablab.com/bslshaders/#download】 2.Complementary Shaders 风格:梦幻 配置:较低 兼容性:高 作者:Emin 官网:【https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/complementary-shader...
BSL shaders 1.21.4, 1.20.1 → 1.20.4 is an extremely powerful shader pack that has been designed specifically for the Minecraft Java edition.
Complementary Shaders 光影材质包由作者“EminGTR”所制作。 Complementary Shaders是一个Java版的光影包,修改自Capt Tatsu的”BSL Shaders”。该光 … 阅读更多 » 我的世界1.20.1-1.8.9 Round Trees 材质包下载 2023年7月2日材质包0 Round Trees 材质包由作者“Motschen”所制作,像素为16×16。 你想要树...
Complementary Shaders 光影材质包由作者“EminGTR”所制作。 Complementary Shaders是一个Java版的光影包,修改自Capt Tatsu的”BSL Shaders”。该光 … 阅读更多 » 我的世界1.20.1-1.8.9 Round Trees 材质包下载 2023年7月2日材质包0 Round Trees 材质包由作者“Motschen”所制作,像素为16×16。 你想要树...