·#exclusive_set/bow:infinity和mending。 ·不能在弓上共存的魔咒。 ·#exclusive_set/crossbow:multishot和piercing。 ·不能在弩上共存的魔咒。 #exclusive_set/damage:sharpness、?smite、?bane_of_arthropods、?impaling、?density和breach。 ·不能共存的伤害增幅类魔咒。 #exclusive_set/mining:fortune和silk_...
·#exclusive_set/bow:infinity和mending。 ·不能在弓上共存的魔咒。 ·#exclusive_set/crossbow:multishot和piercing。 ·不能在弩上共存的魔咒。 #exclusive_set/damage:sharpness、?smite、?bane_of_arthropods、?impaling、?density和breach。 ·不能共存的伤害增幅类魔咒。 #exclusive_set/mining:fortune和silk_...
村民们卖的物品是可以自带耐久III的魔咒的,在刷交易所的时候,可以让村民的出售物品中刷出耐久III的物品,这样手动添加附魔时可以省去一步,减少附魔累积经验惩罚(但在1.21后就失效了)。 经验修补(mending) 最大等级:I(宝藏型) 适用物品:任何 不兼容:无限 效果:获得经验球时,每1点经验恢复2点耐久度,每个经验球仅...
Infinity: Bow Infinity Remedy:Bows enchanted with Infinity no longer require arrows Mending and Infinity:Allows the Infinity Enchantment to be combined with Mending Infinity Affects All Arrows:Allows the Infinity Enchantment to apply to all arrows (e.g. Tipped Arrows) Breakable Bedrock:Allows customiza...
infwithmend-1.0.1.jar Supported Versions 1.20.1 1.20 Curse Maven Snippet Curse Maven is a repository that simplifies including packages in projects Fabric modImplementation "curse.maven:infinity-with-mending-665909:4658303" Copy to clipboard Quilt modImplementation "curse.maven:infinity-with-mending-665...
Pairing an item already enchanted with Unbreaking with Mending guarantees your equipment will never break as long as you replenish it with experience. However, be careful about placing it on bows as a bow enchanted with Mending cannot also be enchanted with Infinity. The easiest way to take adva...
In Minecraft, the Mending enchantment can not be combined with the following enchantments:Infinity Items to Enchant with MendingIn Minecraft, you can enchant the following items with Mending:How to make an Enchanted Book How to make a Netherite Axe How to make a Netherite Hoe How to make a ...
Pairing an item already enchanted with Unbreaking with Mending guarantees your equipment will never break as long as you replenish it with experience. However, be careful about placing it on bows as a bow enchanted with Mending cannot also be enchanted with Infinity. ...
Mending is usually the most important and powerful enchantment that players can equip their gear with in all ofMinecraft. But because it conflicts with Infinity, players must make the tough choice of choosing which of the two they believe is more important for their bow. ...
Mending is usually the most important and powerful enchantment that players can equip their gear with in all ofMinecraft. But because it conflicts with Infinity, players must make the tough choice of choosing which of the two they believe is more important for their bow. ...