·不能在靴子上共存的魔咒。 ·#exclusive_set/bow:infinity和mending。 ·不能在弓上共存的魔咒。 ·#exclusive_set/crossbow:multishot和piercing。 ·不能在弩上共存的魔咒。 #exclusive_set/damage:sharpness、?smite、?bane_of_arthropods、?impaling、?density和breach。 ·不能共存的伤害增幅类魔咒。 #exclusi...
This seed combines the two most prominent structures of the Minecraft caves:stronghold and mineshaft. The result is one of the most overpowered strongholds with a few extra hostile mobs but also a dozen uncommon chests. And the best part is that it’s located beneath a village. So, you can...
Infinity Allows a bow to shoot the same regular arrow forever. Spectral and tipped arrows will still be consumed on use. Infinity cannot be combined with Mending, so you'll need to decide which to use based on how easy it is for you to get flint or arrows. ...
Infinity Allows a bow to shoot the same regular arrow forever. Spectral and tipped arrows will still be consumed on use. Infinity cannot be combined with Mending, so you'll need to decide which to use based on how easy it is for you to get flint or arrows. Crossbows These crossbow ...
Infinity: Bow Infinity Remedy:Bows enchanted with Infinity no longer require arrows Mending and Infinity:Allows the Infinity Enchantment to be combined with Mending Infinity Affects All Arrows:Allows the Infinity Enchantment to apply to all arrows (e.g. Tipped Arrows) ...
Mending(mending) I Uses xp to mend your tools, weapons and armor 26 1.1 Multishot(multishot) I Shoots 3 arrows at once but only costs 1 arrow (from your inventory) 33 1.10.0 Piercing(piercing) IV Arrow can pierce through multiple entities 34 1.10.0 Power(power) V Increases damage dealt...
In Minecraft, you can enchant a bow with the following enchantments:EnchantmentDescription Curse of Vanishing Cursed item will disappear after player dies Flame Turns arrows into flaming arrows Infinity Shoots an infinite amount of arrows Mending Uses xp to mend your tools, weapons and armor Power ...
Expanded Bow Enchanting Bows can be enchanted with looting, and mending+infinity simultaneously. Explorify Adds various structures and dungeons throughout the world. Extended Bone Meal More plants can be fertilized Female Gender Mod Yup Open Gender Menu with G, or may require keybind. ...
Mending-Infinity bows for EVERYONE! Throw the required ingredients on top of an anvil and hey-presto, Mendfinity. You can then add more enchantments with enchanted books in an anvil. One of each item required: Bow (unenchanted) Eye of Ender Diamond Bottle o' Enchanting Enchanted Book, cont...