玻璃板Glass Pane 蜂蜜块Honey Block 蜜脾块Honeycomb Block 灯笼Lantern- (灵魂灯笼Soul Lantern ) 墙Wall 珊瑚Corals 失活的珊瑚Dead Corals 珊瑚扇Coral Fans 失活的珊瑚扇Dead Coral Fans 锁链Chain 小型紫晶芽Small Amethyst Bud- (中型紫晶芽Medium Amethyst Bud 大型紫晶芽Large Amethyst Bud ) 滴水石锥Pointe...
Splash Potion of Strength 喷溅型力量药水 Splash Potion of Swiftness 喷溅型迅捷药水 Splash Potion of The Turtle Master 喷溅型神龟药水 Splash Potion of Water Breathing 喷溅型水肺药水 Splash Potion of Weakness 喷溅型虚弱药水 Splash Water Bottle 喷溅型水瓶 Spruce Boat 云杉木船 Spruce Boat With Chest ...
英文中文 Bee 蜜蜂 Bee Nest 蜂巢 Bee Hive 蜂箱 Honeycomb 蜜脾 Honeycomb Block 蜜脾块 Honey Bottle 蜂蜜瓶 更改英文中文 Creeper 爬行者 → 苦力怕 Java版1.16新内容英文中文 Ancient Debris 远古残骸 Basalt 玄武岩 Basalt Deltas 玄武岩三角洲 Bastion Remnant 堡垒遗迹 Blackstone 黑石 Bl...
開發 版本記錄 Alpha 正式版 開發版本 已移除特性 方塊 配方 未使用特性 獨有特性 提及特性 Super Duper圖形包 計劃版本 Minecraft Preview 技術性 已知錯誤 RenderDragon 資料值 實體組件 硬件效能 世界格式 附加包 Molang 方塊實體 命名空間ID com.mojang ...
Players from filled hives can collect 3 bee honeycombs using scissors, as well as a bottle of honey using a bottle.Honeycomb and a bottle of honeyA honeycomb is an item that a player receives from beehives and nests using scissors. In the future, you can use it to craft honeycomb blocks...
2.24 has_bottle_0 2.25 has_bottle_1 2.26 has_bottle_2 2.27 has_record 2.28 hatch 2.29 hinge 2.30 honey_level 2.31 in_wall 2.32 instrument 2.33 inverted 2.34 layers 2.35 leaves 2.36 level 2.37 lit 2.38 locked 2.39 mode 2.40 moisture 2.41 north 2.42 note 2.43 occupied 2.44 open 2.45 orientati...
item.honey_bottle.drink item.honeycomb.wax_on item.ink_sac.use item.lodestone_compass.lock item.nether_wart.plant item.shield.block item.shield.break item.shovel.flatten item.spyglass.stop_using item.spyglass.use item.totem.use item.trident.hit ...
Mead from Honey (needs a bottle to collect) Apple Cider from Apples (needs a jar to collect) Plum Cider from Plums (needs a jar to collect)] Hoary Cider from Hoary Apples (needs a jar to collect) Citrus Essence from Oranges or Lemons Acidic Status Effect Causes all other status effects...
Use a Campfire to collect Honey from a Beehive using a Bottle without aggravating the bees. 3 guides Total Beelocation Move and place a Bee Nest, with 3 bees inside, using Silk Touch. 2 guides Sticky Situation Slide down a honey block to slow your fall. ...
583 heart_of_the_sea 683 heart_pottery_sherd 684 heartbreak_pottery_sherd -316 heavy_core 148 heavy_weighted_pressure_plate 502 hoglin_spawn_egg -220 honey_block 607 honey_bottle 606 honeycomb -221 honeycomb_block 539 hopper 538 hopper_minecart -584 horn_coral -852 horn_...