Extended Bone Meal is a minimalistic mod which extends bone meal behaviour. Grow netherwart, cactus, vines and sugarcane with the use of bone meal. instant grow crops while holding the sneak button.Grow netherwart with bone meal:Grow sugarcane, cacti and vines with bone meal:...
{BML}骨粉工作室,简称:BML Studio。是一家专业研究、制作存档地图,MOD,JS,资源插件等其它与Minecraft相关的资源的非盈利性质的大型工作室。Bone Meal Studio(骨粉工作室)现在有群组:{BML}骨粉工作室外部交流群,{BML}骨粉工作室内群,{BML}金坷垃学院,{BML}Health视频组以及高层管局。工作室自创建以来,人数直线上升...
附魔之瓶Bottle o' Enchanting 骨粉Bone Meal- (白色染料White Dye 淡灰色染料Light Gray Dye 灰色染料Gray Dye 墨囊Ink Sac 黑色染料Black Dye 粉红色染料Pink Dye 红色染料Red Dye 橙色染料Orange Dye 黄色染料Yellow Dye 黄绿色染料Lime Dye 绿色染料Green Dye 淡蓝色染料Light Blue Dye 青色染料Cyan Dye 青金...
Reverts to a regular Dandelion when Shears are used on it. Bone Meal now turns Dandelions into Seeding Dandelions. Shelf Fungi Comes in Red and Brown variants, alongside Crimson and Warped variants. Can be stacked with other Shelf Fungus of the same color like Sea Pickles and Candles. Can b...
With this mod you can take advantage of composting to make rich soil. Rich soil will boost crops naturally without the need for bonemeal. To make rich soil you’ll need blocks of compost near a water source and sunlight. Then simply wait for the soil to generate over time and once it ...
My goal with this mod is to increase the detail in builds without killing the need for imagination and creativity. Additionally, most blocks include new features. For example, potted plants (such as 1 tall flowers) can be duplicated using bone meal. Versions [Forge]: 1.18.2 | 1.19 | 1.19...
Dynamic Trees fleshes-out the tree-growing mechanics of the game, making our leafy friends develop gradually rather than just going from sapling to tree instantly after applying bonemeal. They’ll need sun, fertile ground, and time. These tweaks not only make trees look better, but makes the...
118 稿件举报 记笔记 常常看到最后那段都会绷不住😂 Universal Bone Meal https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/universal-bone-meal-forge Diagonal Walls https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/diagonal-walls ToroHealth Unofficial https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/torohealth...
骨粉(Bone meal),骨头吃的饭[看] 4天前·福建 4 分享 回复 ?l ... 什么时候传说之下和我的世界联动了? 4天前·山东 1 分享 回复 展开1条回复 指路人,墨尘 ... 太符合他的行为了 4天前·广西 1 分享 回复 u坏哥哥不会巨贵 ... 真就多厨狂喜 作者回复过 4天前·广东 1 分享 回复 展开1条回...
Legacy Renewed On April 10th 2020, it was officially announced that the Lord of the Rings Mod will be gradually ported to 1.15 (and newer versions of Minecraft as they come out) alongside the release of Update 36 for 1.7.10 (which is the last major updat