We can easily use the backward equations: 5 stacks and 32 pieces of cobblestone translates to: 5× 64 + 32 = 352 pieces of cobblestone. Better start mining ⛏! FAQs How many blocks are there in a stack? In Minecraft, a stack of blocks contains 64 blocks. If you have a stack of ...
Applicable only for blocks. An optional set of states to compare against. If states is not specified, matches checks against the set of types more broadly. Returnsboolean- Returns a boolean whether the specified item matches. setCanDestroy ...
分别注册静止流体和流动流体,然后注册流体桶,最后注册流体方块,这里我们使用FabricBlockSettings.copy复制水的属性。 publicstaticfinalFlowableFluidSTILL_END_WATER=Registry.register(Registries.FLUID,newIdentifier("awesome","end_water"),newEndWaterFluid.Still());publicstaticfinalFlowableFluidFLOWING_END_WATER=Regis...
现在,流体的编写已经完成,但还没有完全加入到游戏当中,我们接下来还需要对流体的方块形态进行编写,因此需要在ModBlocks类中注册石油流体。 public static final Block PETROLEUM=registerBlock("petroleum",newFluidBlock((FlowableFluid)ModFluids.Petroleum,AbstractBlock.Settings.create().mapColor(MapColor.BLACK).repla...
Tips: If you opt out of killing the ender dragon first, you better come to the End loaded with stacks upon stacks of other blocks so that you can effectively bridge to surrounding islands. You might also want to bring protection against the ender dragon, so wear some durable armor. As yo...
stacks.add(new ItemStack(Blocks.NOTEBLOCK)); ItemStack thingy = ((TileCacophonium) tile).stack; if(!thingy.isEmpty()) stacks.add(thingy.copy()); } } 代码示例来源:origin: Vazkii/Botania @Nonnull @Override public String getItemStackDisplayName(@Nonnull ItemStack par1ItemStack) { Block block...
private static void registerFurnaceRecipes() { FurnaceRecipes.instance().addSmeltingRecipe(new ItemStack(ModBlocks.plasticblock), new ItemStack(ModItems.filament), 0.1f); FurnaceRecipes.instance().addSmeltingRecipe(new ItemStack(ModItems.shreddedplant), new ItemStack(ModItems.biomass), 0.1f); Furnace...
stack=newItemStack(nativeItem,1,0,NBTConverter.toNative(item.getNbtData())); } Worldworld=getWorld(); EnumActionResultused=stack.onItemUse(newWorldEditFakePlayer((WorldServer)world),world,ForgeAdapter.toBlockPos(position), EnumHand.MAIN_HAND,ForgeAdapter.adapt(face),0,0,0); ...
getX(), pos.getY(), pos.getZ(), new ItemStack(Blocks.WOOL, 1, inv.paddingColor)); } InventoryHelper.dropInventory(inv, world, state, pos); super.breakBlock(world, pos, state); } 代码示例来源:origin: Vazkii/Botania @Override @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public BlockPos getBinding() { ...
Applicable only for blocks. An optional set of states to compare against. If states is not specified, matches checks against the set of types more broadly. Returnsboolean- Returns a boolean whether the specified item matches. setCanDestroy ...