This prevents a potential soft lock, as the invulnerable Creaking would prevent the player from mining or placing any blocks, requiring them to exit and re-enter the world to force the Creaking to despawn 这可以防止潜在的软锁定,因为无敌状态的嘎枝会阻止玩家挖掘或放置任何方块,需要他们退出并重新进...
Let’s assume you can’t control how you fall or avoid falling. The only option in your control now is to choose where you land. Fortunately, Minecraft has a set of blocks that can reduce or even get rid of fall damage. The best option here is sweet berry bushes orpowder snow, falli...
铁砧(zhēn)(Anvil)是一种可以修复物品、重命名和组合魔咒的方块。 普通的铁砧和开裂的铁砧不会生成在世界中。 林地府邸的“铁匠屋”中会生成一个损坏的铁砧。 脚本错误:您必须指定要调用的函数。 挖掘铁砧的合适工具是镐。铁砧需要木镐或品质更好的镐来挖掘,否则挖掘
Slime blocks reduce fall damage (Image via Minecraft) When users fall, they can try placing certain blocks underneath that reduce fall damage. This technique may require some practice, but once they get the timing right, players can easily get consistent with placing blocks on the ground before ...
基岩版使用了修改后的Google的LevelDB(Zlib压缩格式)来储存世界格式资料。 Mojang修改了谷歌的原始LevelDB以加入对Zlib压缩格式和Windows系统的支持。代码可以在Github页面访问,且编写指引由Tommaso在此处提供。 对于Java版的LevelDB + Zlib,请见此Github页面。 Google
Blocks方块 Wooden Logs generated in Woodland Mansions now have the correct facing (MCPE-168387) 现在林地府邸中的原木拥有正确的朝向(MCPE-168387) Removed redundant ‘lava_cauldron’ block that could be placed using commands (MCPE-39974) 移除了可被命令放置的 lava_cauldron 方块(MCPE-39974) Sugar ...
Minecraft enables construction with these types of simple blocks that can be combined to build to more complexity. The openness and simplicity of the block-based environment invites players to use their imagination to create a new world, consider new perspectives, and coauthor it with other people...
·加入了projectilesCanBreakBlocks游戏规则,用于控制弹射物是否可以破坏紫颂花和饰纹陶罐,以及三叉戟是否可以破坏滴水石锥。默认为true。 世界加载屏幕 ·加入了损坏存档文件处理屏幕,为玩家提供了以备份恢复的选项,及在漏洞追踪器上报告漏洞的快捷链接。 选项 ...
Players that launch themselves with a Wind Charge only accumulate fall damage below the y-level of...
It is also worth noting that all entities in the fall_damage_immune entity tag are also technically subject to this issue, as having a value above 0 will not permit them to have fall damage - it may be worth removing this tag from the game and instead giving these entities a minecraft:...