/execute (if|unless) blocks <第一框选点> <第二框选点> <对照区域> (all|masked) <命令连锁> 如果 (如果不是) <第一框选点> and <第二框选点>之间的区域与<对照区域>相符就执行命令./execute (if|unless) entity <指定实体> <命令连锁> 如果 (如果不是)<指定实体> 存在(1个或以上)就执行...
Throws LocationInUnloadedChunkError, LocationOutOfWorldBoundariesErrorisLiquidread-only isLiquid: boolean;Returns true if this block is a liquid block - (e.g., a water block and a lava block are liquid, while an air block and a stone block are not. Water logged blocks are not liquid block...
states?: Record<string, boolean | number | string> = null Applicable only for blocks. An optional set of states to compare against. If states is not specified, matches checks against the set of types more broadly.Returns boolean - Returns a boolean whether the specified item matches.set...
Installation: 1. Download the mod 2. Download and install forge 3. Locate your .minecraft folder 4. Put the mod in your mods folder 5. Run minecraft and play Remember to leave suggestions for new decoration blocks (a image would be nice) and that this is a WIP mod so be nice....
One place - 8 colors (no color-red-green-blue-none-yellow-cyan-magenta): Configuration and extensions -CoB is highly configurable and can be extended. -CoB config folder is in config/colourfulblocks. Inside there are one file (main.cfg) and one folder (extensions) ...
A coral block is a solid block that comes in five variants: tube, brain, bubble, fire, and horn. A dead coral block is a dead variant of a coral block. These blocks are always grey. Coral blocks can be obtained only with a pickaxe enchanted with Silk Tou
Dead Bushes can now be placed on Grass Blocks and Moss Blocks (MCPE-125931) 现在枯萎的灌木可以放置在草方块和苔藓块上(MCPE-125931) The map color for Black Terracotta now matches Java Edition (MCPE-166791) 更改了黑色染色陶瓦在地图上的颜色,以匹配 Java 版 (MCPE-166791) Players no longer fall...
import{ BlockPermutation, DimensionLocation }from"@minecraft/server";import{ Vector3Utils }from"@minecraft/math";import{ MinecraftBlockTypes }from"@minecraft/vanilla-data";functionaddBlockColorCube(targetLocation: DimensionLocation){constallWoolBlocks:string[] = [ MinecraftBlockTypes.WhiteWool, Minecraft...
minecraft/server-editor Behavior Pack JSON Files Resource Pack JSON Files Molang Raw Message JSON Contribute Download PDF Learn Minecraft Bedrock Edition TwitterLinkedInFacebookEmail Article 03/15/2024 Caution This class is still in pre-release. Its signature may change or it may be removed in futur...
Amaze your friends by building a functional elevator in your base or tower using redstone magic, likethis oneby Mumbo Jumbo. Just don’t get stuck between floors! 23. Fantasy Tower Create a wizardly abode with a tall, peaked fantasy tower covered in magical-looking blocks.This buildby Trixy...