Delve into Part I of the Caves & Cliffs update with fun mobs, blocks, and items! Go under...
minecraft command blocks are special blocks in the game which can be used to run commands. these commands have various levels of control and affect different aspects of the game world. for example, they can spawn mobs, summon items, change weather conditions or even initiate a minigame. the ...
south west up down All Minecraft 1.18 Item IDs Find thousands more items on our complete list of1,325Minecraft IDs. Show Me Command Block Information The command block in Minecraft can be used to execute commands. They cannot be obtained in Vanilla MC but, by using the item id, you can ...
Fixed an issue where entities loaded by Structure Blocks and commands would cause the despawn of the original mob used to save the structure and any mobs from previous loads of the structure (MCPE-155036) 修复了使用结构方块和指令加载的实体会导致原有的储存在结构中的方块或任何之前从结构中加载的...
Players can now hear each other equipping items in armor slots () 玩家可以听到其他人装备盔甲时的声音 () Fixed an issue where entities loaded by Structure Blocks and commands would cause the despawn of the original mob used to save the structure and any mobs from previous loads of the structu...
专栏基础功能科普:文章左滑快速到达上一篇文章;右下角分享上面有一个圆圈,可以展开文集内所有文章;长按左下角点赞一键三连;文章内粉色字为超链接,可以点击。上个测试版/正式版(二合一): 特性和Bug修复Commands 命令Fixed a crash that could occur if a structure
Worlds and Cameras Entities and Particles Items and Recipes Blocks Tools and Libraries Reference Documentation Commands List of commands aimassist allowlist camera camerashake changesetting clear clearspawnpoint clone damage daylock deop dialogue difficulty effect enchant event execute fill fog function game...
Using Redstone, Minecraft commands or command blocks allow players to do everything from speaking to exchanging items, to even controlling the weather in their worlds. Not only are command blocks essential tools in any Minecraft enthusiast’s back pocket, they are an excellent way tointroduce Java...
Minecraft Item IDs is a searchable, interactive database of all Minecraft item and block IDs. On this website, you can find lists of alltypesof items. Each item has its own individual page, on which you can find crafting recipes, spawn commands, and useful information about it. For exampl...
The most basic use for command blocks is to execute commands when triggered.With command blocks, you can set up sign commands that let players interact with the world when they click them. For example, you can give new players a set of items or teleport them to a specific place....