"Gets the player's position in the world as a Vec3 of floats (decimal numbers), if the player is in the middle of a block x.5 is returned" playerPos = mc.player.getPos() #get players position as floats .setPos(x,y,z) "Moves the player to a position in the world by passing ...
If players are prone to losing the way back or simply want to be more safe, try marking their path with torches or another unique block, such as signs, wood planks or wool. This also helps them to recover their items if they die. Carving out a safe room containing furnaces, a crafting...
参加 LEGO MINECRAFT 联名 BLOCK & BRICK 挑战!During Minecraft Live, we also kicked off the new ...
Likewise, a mountain can elevate (literally) your latest piece of blockitecture to new heights (also literally). But what if we combined them into a nesting doll of legendary scenery? We can achieve a new level of villain lair or cozy lodge with this delightful mountain-in-a-valley-ringed...
This is the most mind-bending game-breaking Minecraft mod that I have come across. Minecraft is known for its block-based gameplay, and well, this mod smoothens it all out. Yeah, no more blocks. As a player, you refuse to believe the game you are playing is Minecraft once you install...
(which is Ctrl + S by default, can be configured in the Controls menu). The ON/OFF status is retained for as long as the game is running. There are two different noteblock sounds to indicate what the status changed to: the higher-pitch pling when enabling, and the lower-pitch bass ...
/nbt block Items <> me Inventory - swap your inventory with targeted chest Add value: /nbt object1 query1 add value /nbt object1 query1 add object2 query2 /nbt object1 query1 += value /nbt object1 query1 += object2 query2 Add value to object1 Behavior is different for the followin...
So you want to generate larger then a 250 Chunk / 4000 Block Radius. Lets say 1500 Chunk Radius or larger. There is a couple things you as the player or server owner need to take care of to make sure you don't end with a corrupted world or with a world that uses so much ram th...
townBlockTypeLimits: {} townBlockLimit: 1 upkeepModifier: 1.0 townOutpostLimit: 0 - numResidents: 5 debtCapModifier: 1.0 namePostfix: 大村庄 mayorPrefix: 村长 townBlockBuyBonusLimit: 0 namePrefix: '' mayorPostfix: '' townBlockTypeLimits: {} ...
Value of 0 will cause inability to push other entities, including players. Value of 2 should be enough in most cases. It's worth noting that this will render maxEntityCramming gamerule useless if its value is over the value of this config option. update-pathfinding-on-block-update Good ...