move things or touch anything, if you try your hand will go straight through whatever block you...
multiply_base -> add_multiplied_base multiply_total -> add_multiplied_total PREDICATE FORMATS IN LOOT TABLES & ADVANCEMENTS 战利品表谓词和进度谓词的格式 Item predicate format has been updated: 对物品谓词格式做出的调整: tag field has been removed tag字段已移除 items field now supports a single ent...
public static final Block PETROLEUM=registerBlock("petroleum",newFluidBlock((FlowableFluid)ModFluids.Petroleum,AbstractBlock.Settings.create().mapColor(MapColor.BLACK).replaceable().noCollision().strength(100.0f).pistonBehavior(PistonBehavior.DESTROY).dropsNothing().liquid().sounds(BlockSoundGroup.INTENTIO...
方法名:getDrops Block.getDrops介绍 暂无 代码示例 代码示例来源:origin: AppliedEnergistics/Applied-Energistics-2 public static ItemStack[] getBlockDrops( final World w, final BlockPos pos ) { List<ItemStack> out = new ArrayList<>(); final IBlockState state = w.getBlockState( pos ); if( ...
变量名,即“MACHINE_BLOCK”是全字母大写,参数中的“machine_block”全字母小写。 第二个参数是设置方块及其方块的属性, “Material.STONE”设定方块是石头材质,“.strength(1.0F)”设定方块的硬度为1.0(黑曜石是50.0),“.sound(SoundType.STONE)”设定方块的声音,“.requiresCorrectToolForDrops()”设定方块需要正...
Early in the game it may be helpful to maximize the growth rate of a crop in order to quickly multiply the seeds and/or get some wheat quickly. Doing so requires some understanding of the growth mechanics which are discussed here.
[5 Milion Downloads YAY] A Minecraft Mod that adds single block mob farms that generates mob drops passively. - linxuanm/TinyMobFarm
attribute modifier add add|multiply|multiply_base- adds modifier (fails if modifier is already present) attribute modifier remove- removes modifier attribute modifier value get []- get value of modifier target- single entity (note: only players, armor stands and mobs have attributes) ...
方法名:getDrops BlockCrops.getDrops介绍 暂无 代码示例 代码示例来源:origin: TeamLapen/Vampirism @Override publicList<ItemStack>getDrops(IBlockAccessworld,BlockPospos,IBlockStatestate,intfortune){ returnsuper.getDrops(world,pos,state,fortune-1); ...
Then, multiply the X and Z coordinates of the portal on the Nether roof by 8. When you reach these coordinates, pillar up until you reach the Y level one lower than the one from the portal on the Nether roof. Now,bridge out on 10 solid blocksto the south. Then add an obsidian bloc...