-You can set an image to be used for each task, defined in the same way that the BetterQuesting home image is. Commands- /getStructureName -Returns the name of the structure at the player's location. /getStructureName <DimensionID> <X Coordinate> <Z Coordinate> -Returns the name of ...
getPlayerList().canSendCommands(sender.getGameProfile()); if(!isOP) { BetterQuesting.logger.log(Level.WARN, "Player " + sender.getName() + " (UUID:" + QuestingAPI.getQuestingUUID(sender) + ") tried to edit settings without OP permissions!"); sender.sendStatusMessage(new TextComponentStri...
lang(player, "commands.mute.muted"), TextFormatting.RED), true); event.setCanceled(true); return; 代码示例来源:origin: Funwayguy/BetterQuesting sender.sendStatusMessage(new TextComponentString(TextFormatting.RED + "You need to be OP to edit quests!"), false); return; // Player is not ...
canSendCommands(player.getGameProfile()); return isAllowed(player, creative, isOp); } return super.checkPermission(server, sender); } 代码示例来源:origin: Funwayguy/BetterQuesting @Override public void handleServer(NBTTagCompound tag, EntityPlayerMP sender) { if(sender == null) { return; } ...
Quests updates When updating the modpack make sure to use the command Use these commands right after evey update to update your quest book. "/bq_admin default load" "/bqs_loot default load" Screenshots Discord https://discord.gg/bC3Wga5 ...
But also, we wanted to make sure there was a system that people could give out the basic commands because you are sharing resources. The thing I think people would be most surprised about is the game's PvP. But there's a little PvE in there as well. And the Piglins are also in ...
TextComponentTranslation cc = new TextComponentTranslation("commands.generic.permission"); cc.getStyle().setColor(TextFormatting.RED); sender.sendMessage(cc); return; } QuestSettings.INSTANCE.setProperty(NativeProps.HARDCORE, true); sender.sendMessage(new TextComponentTranslation("betterquesting.cmd.hardcor...
(without quotes): "/pr_mode set hardcore" At any time you can return to 'normal' to typing the command: "/pr_mode set normal" These same commands can be executed by server ops either in game or from console. Players joining a server will be switched to the server's game mode upon...
Map<String, ICommand> commands = commandManager.getCommands(); return commands.get("give"); } } 代码示例来源:origin: SquidDev-CC/plethora private Object[] doCommand(String command) { if (server != null && server.isCommandBlockEnabled()) { ICommandManager commandManager = server.getCommandMa...
代码示例来源:origin: Funwayguy/BetterQuesting @Override public void handleServer(NBTTagCompound tag, EntityPlayerMP sender) { if(sender == null) { return; } boolean isOP = sender.world.getMinecraftServer().getPlayerList().canSendCommands(sender.getGameProfile()); if(!isOP) { BetterQuesting.lo...