The Better Chests mod adds a couple new containers to Minecraft. Well really, it adds several containers if you count the different ones you can get from updating the new custom chest. There’s also a nifty bag that acts like a chest and which you can carry in your inventory – yes it...
IronChestsForge添加不同材料制作的箱子,获得更大的存储空间.通用查看 JABBAForge一个提供超级”箱子”的Mod,通过它可以实现以匪夷所思的方式存储超大量的东西.而且Jabba的存储单元是可扩展的,通过搭配各种各样的拓展,可以实现附加功能(如红石、漏斗等),Jabba还提供了可以移动包括箱子等物品的”钩子”.从而极大地提升...
Find loot tucked away in the corners of abandoned workstations, or out in the open in a chest on a minecart. 13 biome variants, including a rare mushroom mineshaft! Completely customizable mineshafts!Check for thebettermineshaftsfolder in your config folder after running the mod for the first ...
including copper, iron, silver, gold, diamond, crystal and obsidian chests. The higher grade chests actually have significantly more storage space than traditional wooden chests, with some having enough space for twice as much as a wooden double chest, or even more. That means this mod is grea...
As a kitchen sink styled pack, MC Eternal gives a chest of mod wonders to explore. Bringing together hundreds of quests with mods like Tinker's Construct and Applied Energistics 2, you can do everything from RPG-styled quests to managing your very own town with MineColonies. MC Eternal has...
The following mods have cross-mod support. If there are mods that you would like to see support for, please let me know in the comments or on discord! Assigning chest cavities to entity types is nearly effortless, I just need to know that the entity exists. ...
As we all know, the Minecraft team adds many various blocks and items with each update, though the storage solutions haven’t changed much. This is why players have trouble fitting everything in nice and organized systems, but make chest monsters instead. The Storage Drawers mod is one of ...
Better Portals 369 votes Creator: Johni0702 - allows for easier portal creation - now with no loading screens - can be made on water or land - can make massive or small portals 5 Lucky Block Mod 388 votes Creator: PlayerInDistress - resembles a Mario question block - once broken may rel...
Rock Paper Shotgun is better when you sign in Sign in and join us on our journey to discover strange and compelling PC games. Sign in with Google Sign in with email Latest On Minecraft The best Minecraft Bedrock seeds The best Minecraft shaders for 1.21.4...
11.苹果皮(AppleSkin)12.自动钓鱼(XPlus Autofish)13.聊天补丁(Chat Patches)14.箱子追踪(Chest Tracker)15.键位冲突显示(Controlling)16.EMI17.伽马工具(Gamma Utils) 18.手持物品信息(Held Item Info)19.物品栏HUD+(Inventory HUD+)20.一键背包整理Next(Inventory Profiles Next)21.玉 🔍(Jade 🔍)22.投影...