更真实的动物 better animal models1.10.2 1.12 1.14-1.16https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/better-animal-models 更多动物 better Animals Plus(better animal models拓展包)1.12-1.16https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/betteranimalsplus 更多生物 Mo' Creatures1.7-1.8 1.10 1.12 https://...
To disable breeding, left-click the animal with shears. This will not hurt the animal. Breeding can then be re-enabled by feeding it again. This mod affects all animals that can be bred except cats, wolves, axolotls, and turtles.
整合包中包含的模组有:Create、农夫的乐趣、Alex的生物、Alternacraft、Architectury API、AutoReglib、Balm、Better Animals+、Canary、Citadel、CoFH核心、Collective、建筑法杖、大陆、Create 大型火炮、Cristel Lib、Croptopia、Eureka!飞船、火枪模组、飞轮、FTB 区块、FTB 团队、FTB Ultimine、Gekolib、沉浸... Minecraft...
[Better Animals Plus]是[Better Animal Models]的拓展mod,但可以完全独立工作。BA+致力于为你的世界带来新的生命和生物,与类似的MOD相比,本模组具有自己的美妙之处。BA+增加了许多中立生物,敌对生物,甚至还有一个BOSS。动物不是BA+的终点。接下来将会有更多的内容... 给你...
支持的MOD 默认的五种食物组支持以下MOD AbyssalCraft 水产养殖 Actually Additions 实用拓展 Advent of Ascension 虚无世界 The Aether akkamaddi's Ashenwheat Animalium Animania Aquaculture Beasts Better Animals Plus BetterNether 更好的下界 Better with Addons ...
Why You'll Love This Modpack: Enhanced Jungle Biomes:Explore richer, more detailed jungle environments with added flora and fauna. Unique Wildlife:Encounter new jungle-specific animals that offer new challenges and interactions. Improved Resources:Discover and utilize diverse new resources exclusive to ...
[Addon][优质模组介绍]国际版1.20终极植物大战僵尸SERPVZ V1.1.0(附下载链接)/我的世界植物大战僵尸MOD 08:46 [Addon]磁吸漏斗?!让你的世界自动化起来!国际版机械工艺模组V1.2.0汉化版(附下载链接)/MechanicalCraft Addon 14:36 [Addon][优质模组介绍]国际版1.20变形手镯模组V0.1.8汉化版(附下载链接)/Morp...
Sophisticated Wolves The Sophisticated Wolves mod aims to give wolves, and subsequently tamed dogs, better abilities in the game. It gives them a better sense of their surroundings so they are not completely dependent upon their owner. So that means while you may have tamed a wolf, it can ...