上次介绍了11个forge的模组,这次就再来介绍一些fabric的吧!游戏版本:1.16.3 (模组支持的其它版本字幕中也有标出来)温馨提示:使用模组前请备份重要地图。模组清单:Ridable Ender PearlsBiome PickerBackSlotBackSlotAddonAdaPaxelsFabric WaystonesBetter Enchanted B
AI视频总结 测试版 记笔记 些文案的时候没想到写了这么多模组,光写简介都写了半个小时,不知道有没有漏的,自己看看有没有前置,然后就点赞点赞点赞点赞点赞点赞点赞点赞!!! [XMM]Xaero的小地图Xaero's Minimap:https://www.mcmod.cn/class/1701.html [XWM]Xaero的世界地图Xaero's World Map:https:/...
reduce wondering distance, reduce how often mobs tend to raytrace targets and it even reduces visual AI code when there are no nearby players. All these tweaks, when combined with one another, make a server perform much better and, all things considered, this is a mod that ...
联机mod API&库 常用网址 中文Minecraft Wiki Minecraft官网 ↑返回目录 画质/优化类mod Minecraft 画质/优化类mod 名称适用版本MCBBS链接原始链接备注 程序优化 BetterFps 更好的FPS 1.12-1.7.10 MCBBS minecraftforum FoamFix 减少内存使用 1.8/1.10.2-1.12.2 MCBBS 原帖 视觉优化 OptiFine 高清修复 1.12....
Enhanced AI is a mod that changes mobs AI, making them smarter and harder to deal with.The default mod's configuration is a spice up of vanilla difficulty. You can alter the config to have a true nightmare experience, or make it easier.This...
如果MOD较多,不要开启SmoothWorld,它会让某些生物AI出错,例如Just a Few Fish此外,在视频设置中请将Use VBOs(顶点缓存对象)打开,会大幅提高加载区块速度和FPSBetterFpsminecraft.curseforge.com/projects/betterfps介绍:做着和Optifine Fast Math一样的事情,但对于老旧型的CPU效果更好,对于很多新型CPU可能还会变成FPS...
-While perched, she spawns significantly more dragon's breath. Additionally, said dragon's breath moves now in a conic pattern away from her and as well as deal even more damage. (Unless Enhanced AI mod is installed as that mod makes area of effect clouds spherical and this becomes very ...
Lithium锂模组锂是Minecraft的通用优化模块,可在不改变任何行为的情况下改善许多系统(游戏物理,生物AI,方块时刻等)。https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/lithium 10楼2020-08-12 14:45 回复 Hal- 无尽黑夜 14 Phosphor磷模组磷是Minecraft的mod,可优化游戏中效率最低的区域之一-照明引擎。https://...
3DM Mod站拥有全网最新最全的我的世界 Mod资源,欢迎广大玩家来下载和分享自己喜欢的Mod作品,更多有趣好玩的 我的世界Mod,我的世界Mod管理,我的世界Mod工具,我的世界Mod整合,我的世界Mod下载 尽在3DM Mod站!
集成Mod:【AI优化】AI-Improvements-1.16.2-0.3.0.jar 【FPS优化】FpsReducer-mc1.16.4-1.18....