可用分判据如下: "acquireIron", "bakeCake", "blazeRod", "bookcase", "breedCow", "buildBetterPickaxe", "buildFurnace", "buildHoe", "buildPickaxe", "buildSword", "buildWorkBench", "cookFish", "diamonds", "diamondsToYou", "enchantments", "exploreAllBiomes", "flyPig", "fullBeacon", "...
Best Y level to find diamonds in Minecraft 1.20 You’ll need to mine fairly deep to find diamonds since the best Y level to find them is level -58 and level -59. You can find diamonds anywhere from Y level 15 to level -64. To find diamonds, you’ll need to mine down to lower ...
One of the best structures for loot in Minecraft is theTrial Chambers, which are always located under the ground and thus difficult to locate. This seed will bring you four such chambers very close to your spawn location. So, once ready with at least a full iron gear, head straight to ...
Duncan (2011) explains that once the initial learning curve is mastered, the player learns how to create an even stronger axe, to construct tracks and mine carts to move ore, to make torches to light dark caves, and to recombine building blocks (stone, iron, glass) into fortresses that ...
(MinecraftItemTypes.IronChestplate)); equipmentCompPlayer.setEquipment(EquipmentSlot.Legs, new ItemStack(MinecraftItemTypes.DiamondLeggings)); equipmentCompPlayer.setEquipment(EquipmentSlot.Feet, new ItemStack(MinecraftItemTypes.NetheriteBoots)); equipmentCompPlayer.setEquipment(EquipmentSlot.Mainhand, new ...
Level generator: ID 00 - default, ver 1. Features enabled: trueLevel generator options:Level spawn location: World: (557,63,361), Chunk: (at 13,3,9 in 34,22; contains blocks 544,0,352 to 559,255,367), Region: (1,0; contains chunks 32,0 to 63,31, blocks 512,0,0 to 1023,...
When TNT is ignited, it will jump slightly and then blink white as it counts down to exploding. The delay is only about 4 seconds, so it is best to run once it's lit. 4 Sand Blocks + 5 Pieces of Gunpowder = 1 TNT 1 Iron Ingot + 1 Flint = Flint and Steel ...
The best Minecraft texture packs for Java and Bedrock right now from fantasy to photorealism and everything cute in between.
26 Best Minecraft 1.20 Seeds (Bedrock and Java) 26 - Plains Beach with Buried Treasure 25 - Savanna Island in Coral Reef 24 - Resourceful Taiga 23 - Lush Badlands Pillagers 22 - Icy Cherry Hills 21 - Coral Desert Coast 20 - Lush Mine Start ...
The best way to protect yourself against the night is to build your own safe place, something you can call home. An earthen house with a stove and a bed will do, but the idea of being able to build a supermanage with a fountain and fireplace is tempting; Make yourself at home...