原作者:6tenstudio 原标题:Minecraft : Top Bedroom Design : Best Bedroom Builds Ideas : Furniture游戏 单机游戏 我的世界 建筑 建筑教程 MINECRAFT建筑 教程 我的世界建筑 评论18 最热 最新 请先登录后发表评论 (・ω・) 发布 喃寻思hm 我觉得应该多发...
Despite its size, the Underground Castle design (created by TheMythicalSausage) can hold a bedroom, smelting/enchanting/storage room, brewing station, mining entrance, and a nether portal!45. Dark CastleDark Castle (Image Credit: LionCheater) Required Materials:Deepslate Bricks. Polished Blackstone...
Rock Paper Shotgun is better when you sign in Sign in and join us on our journey to discover strange and compelling PC games. Sign in with Google Sign in with email Latest On Minecraft The best Minecraft Bedrock seeds The best Minecraft shaders for 1.21.4...
11. Underground base Minecraft build It doesn’t get much safer than a hidden underground base with a secret water entrance in a pond. As an added bonus, you’ll get a bedroom with a netherportal, and its own farm and mine entrance. For a muchsimpler underground base, skip the spinning...
Mods, Maps, Texture Packs, Seeds Home Minecraft 1.16 Mods Download for free a collection of the best mods of the Minecraft 1.16 community. Improve your game by adding new technology mechanisms, sets of tweaks, additional shaders and many useful or feature-rich mods. Use Forge and Fabric mod...
Best Minecraft 1.15.2 mods to improve your survival world and gameplay. Simple installation of Forge and Fabric modifications for 1.15.2 version will open a unique world with new features for each player. The release of new Minecraft 1.15.2 Buzzy Bee took place on January 15, 2020. Now you...
Your #1 source of Minecraft Xbox Seeds and Minecraft Build Ideas, Tanisha's Craft has all you need to get started in Minecraft right now!
I made a world with a huge underground base with a bedroom, guest room, trading center, portal room, and plenty of booby-trapped rooms, as well as two entrances. I also made a school and a chicken coop. It took a while, but it's definitely worth the wait. You can add sleek detail...
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really. my bedroom is my favorite room. it’s my dream room. my favorite thing in my bedroom is probably my rug because it looks like grass. i’ve had this vanity forever, and we repainted it green because that’s my favorite color. i got this little tiffany lamp for $14 bucks and...