56、Minecraft Skin Search(皮肤查询):https://mcskinsearch.com 57、Minecraft UUID(正版玩家信息查询):https://mcuuid.net 我的其它帖子:
20、Bedrock Wiki:https://wiki.bedrock.dev 四、资源站类网站 21、CurseForge-Minecraft:curseforge.com/minecraf 22、Modrinth:Modrinth 23、PlanetMinecraft:https://www.planetminecraft.com 24、MCPEDL:https://mcpedl.com 25、Minecraft Mods:https://www.minecraftmods.com 26、Minecraft Maps(我的世界地图):...
the minecraft bedrock 1.19 update introduced a variety of new commands that give players greater control over their gaming experience. the "/give" command allows players to easily summon items, while the "/clear" command can be used to clear all items from your inventory. to customize mobs, ...
PROJECT_NAME="starter" MINECRAFT_PRODUCT="BedrockUWP" CUSTOM_DEPLOYMENT_PATH="" PROJECT_NAMEis used as the folder name under all the assets are going to be deployed inside the game directories (e.g., development_behavior_packs\PROJECT_NAME, development_resource_packs\PROJECT_NAME). ...
分享一下用VR玩VR版《minecraft》的教程 首先我们准备的硬件工具: VR(手机盒子、VR一 +8 56520 minecraftpe吧 时间的梦醒时分 专用的服务器可用于Bedrock现在有一个专用的服务器可用于Bedrock:minecraft.net/en-us/download ...。更多细节很快! 分享2913 minecraft吧 老实人茶庄☜ 正版游戏登录器无法更新下载,...
World.getPlayerEntityByUUID(UUID)■■■Level.getPlayerByUUID(UUID) NBTTagList■■■ListTag NBTTagByteArray■■■ByteArrayTag net.minecraft.world.storage.WorldSavedData■■■ "Item.setCreativeTab(tab)■■■Item.Properties itemProperties = new Item.Properties(); itemProperties.tab(tab)" "net.minec...
Remember, Bedrock players have a prefix for their username due to its design. Be sure to include this while running op [username] in the console so everything works out. For example, a Bedrock player named “.Player1” can be an operator with the op .Player1 command. Occasionally, ...
itzg/minecraft-bedrock-serverInteracting with the serverRCON is enabled by default, so you can exec into the container to access the Minecraft server console:docker exec -i mc rcon-cli Note: The -i is required for interactive use of rcon-cli....
Gaseous Fluids:Excludes gaseous fluids from being transferable via faucets Material Blacklist:Hides tool/bow materials in the 'Materials and You' book Offhand Shuriken:Suppresses special abilities of long swords and rapiers when shurikens are wielded in the offhand ...
End Crystal Placing: Allows placing End Crystals without requiring Obsidian or Bedrock below End Portal Parallax: Re-implements parallax rendering of the end portal from 1.11 and older Entity Radius Check These tweaks are only effective if you have mod(s) that increase World.MAX_ENTITY_RADIUS!