in the nether, when you enter, you will see some bedrock structures. On the right you can find a nether fortress for 10 gold, on the left you can get a super gift for a nether star, and on the left there is a block cloner, to clone 1 block, you need 1 wither skeleton skull, ...
("dim_two", "_testdim", ModConfig.DEBUG_CONF.DIM_ONE_ID, DimensionOne.class, false); public static final DimensionType RE8_DIMENSION = DimensionType.register("re8_dimension", "_dim", 118, re8WorldProvider.class, false); public static void registerDimensions() { //这个118是我们的维度...
// 实体的大小 public float width; public float height; // 实体是否还活着 pu...
| forum = | notes = Generates a desert world with dunes, sharp stone mountains and underground dungeons. The map has a bedrock wall around it. Outside of that bedrock wall you will find normal ...
UCHIJA BBG{5.0.0} [BetterBedrockGen] (BBG-1.9.4-5.0.0.jar) UCHIJA bdlib{} [BD Lib] (bdlib- UCHIJA betterbuilderswands{0.6.5} [Better Builder's Wands] (BetterBuildersWands-0.6.5-1.10r138+8595fc7.jar) ...