runCommandAsync will pass a CommandError into the reject handler runCommandAsync 会将 CommandError 移交至 reject 处理器【希铁石z 译自官网2023 年 06 月 07 日发布的 Trails & Tales Update Now Available on Bedrock;原作者 Matt Gartzke,部分翻译参考了中文 Minecraft Wiki】 【本文排版借助了:SPXX v2.4...
如果我希望(0,64,0)有非空气方块时无事发生,那么可以输入"/setblock 0 64 0 minecraft:bedrock keep"。如果这个坐标上已经有非空气方块占据,那么就不会替换成基岩。如果我输入的是"/setblock 0 64 0 minecraft:bedrock destroy",那么原先的方块会被破坏掉,并根据破坏的方块产生掉落物。如果原先(0,64,0)的位置...
/tp /effect /give /kill /summon
When summon in other ways (e.g. using the Spawn Egg or using the summon command), the variant selection follows the natural spawning biome rules with the following extensions: 当使用其他方式生成狼时 (例如使用刷怪蛋或 summon 命令),变种的选择会遵循自然生成时的规则,并具有以下扩展: Rusty Wolf:...
the minecraft bedrock 1.19 update introduced a variety of new commands that give players greater control over their gaming experience. the "/give" command allows players to easily summon items, while the "/clear" command can be used to clear all items from your inventory. to customize mobs, ...
生成事件现在在/summon 指令的提示中显示 SendCommandFeedback' no longer prevents display of outgoing messages (MCPE-95217) 'SendCommandFeedback'现在不再阻止显示传出消息 Multiple '/tickingarea add' or '/tickingarea remove' commands performed during the same tick will no longer result in inaccurate mes...
Minecraft - 1.19.10 (Bedrock)Minecraft 基岩版 1.19.10 A new update is now available for ...
You should be able to spawn your entity in game using the spawn egg or the summon command. If you just want a static entity, you're good to go. But if you want to customize the entity even more, keep on reading. Robot Entity Example - full robot ...
summon FallingSand ~ ~1 ~ {Block:activator_rail,Time:1,Passengers:[0:{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:"/fill ~3 ~ ~-2 ~5 ~ ~1 bedrock 1 replace"},1:{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:"/setblock ~4 ~1 ~ minecraft:repeating_command_block 1 replace {Command:\"/testfor @e[type=Arrow]...
To summon an entity using the Summon Tool, first select the tool to open the modal. Select an entity type in the Entity Type field. Click to place the entity. If the entity is something with random variations like a horse or sheep, you will get a random entity each time you click. ...