Bedrock(minecraft:bedrock) 8 Flowing Water(minecraft:flowing_water) 9 Still Water(minecraft:water) 10 Flowing Lava(minecraft:flowing_lava) 11 Still Lava(minecraft:lava) 12 Sand(minecraft:sand) 12:1 Red Sand(minecraft:sand) 13 Gravel(minecraft:gravel) 14 Gold Ore(minecraft:gold_ore) 15 Iron ...
The bedrock layer at y0 below saved chunks will be replaced with Deepslate and feature new cave generation underneath 在已储存的区块中的y0基岩层将会被深岩板代替,且将在其下方生成新洞穴 Biomes and terrain generating across new and existing chunk borders will blend seamlessly, creating natural-looking...
Listed below are the available blocks for use in Minecraft: Bedrock Edition.备注 To learn more about how blocks function in Minecraft: Bedrock Edition, please take a look at the Block JSON DocumentationList of Blocks展开表 Name minecraft:acacia_button minecraft:acacia_door minecraft:acacia_double...
Tips:Bring at least two stacks of eyes of ender, and have a good pickaxe, as you’ll be digging down to nearly bedrock level. Make sure you have 12 eyes of ender set aside to insert into the End portal, which allows you to travel to the End. Good armor and weapons are always nece...
There are two ways one can use commands in Minecraft Bedrock (previously known as Minecraft PE). One simple way is by the use of a ‘chat window’. All you have to do is simply select the ‘Chat’ button to open the ‘Chat box’ and type in the command that you want to use. Eve...
Minecraft - 1.19.20 (Bedrock)Minecraft 基岩版 1.19.20 They say that variety is the spice of...
Minecraft 1.21.30 Bedrock更新日志Minecraft Bedrock 1.21.30发布 Written ByJay WellsPublished9/17/24 撰写人 Jay Wells 发布时间 2024/9/17 In this week’s changelog, villagers can finally sleep soundly, foxes are getting more hearts, and we’ve got bundles of information about – bundles, which ...
查找方法:先在.minecraft\assets\index\1.18.json中查找minecraft/lang/zh_cn.json,然后根据hash在.minecraft\assets\objects里面找对应的文件。 比如这里是9fabbc798786c7b7364902b31bdb37c2c037e9b8,那么它就在9f文件夹中。找到后用文本编辑器打开,里面都是unicode编码,直接copy到浏览器F12控制台就能看到,这里转换了...
Coral Reefsare the prettiest underwater biome Minecraft has to offer. The bright colors of this reef contrast nicely with the monotone yellows of the Desert it is next to. Java players will spawn in the Desert Village and Desert Temple structure combination next to the Coral Reef. Bedrock play...
Structure Class Learn 登录 此内容未以你的语言提供。 以下为英语版。 消除警报 版本 Minecraft Bedrock Stable APIs PlayerPlaceBlockAfterEventSignal PlayerSpawnAfterEvent PlayerSpawnAfterEventSignal PressurePlatePopAfterEvent PressurePlatePopAfterEventSignal