runCommandAsync 会将 CommandError 移交至 reject 处理器【希铁石z 译自官网2023 年 06 月 07 日发布的 Trails & Tales Update Now Available on Bedrock;原作者 Matt Gartzke,部分翻译参考了中文 Minecraft Wiki】 【本文排版借助了:SPXX v2.4.14】 |想了解更多游戏资讯? 苦力怕论坛 - 游戏资讯板块 Powered ...
bed_obstructed = 床被阻挡 bedrock = 基岩 bell = 钟 camera = 摄像机 conduit = 潮涌核心 invisibleBedrock = 隐形基岩 beetroot = 甜菜根 big_dripleaf = 大型垂滴叶 small_dripleaf_block = 小型垂滴叶 hanging_roots = 垂根 dirt_with_roots = 缠根泥土 spore_blossom = 孢子花 azalea_leaves = 杜...
spawnradius:玩家出生点的坐标。 SpawnX: 玩家出生点坐标X轴,默认值为0。 SpawnY:玩家出生点坐标Y轴,默认值为64。 SpawnZ: 玩家出生点坐标Z轴,默认值为0。 StorageVersion:基岩版存储工具版本,目前为8。 XBLBroadcastIntent:允许什么用户进行Xbox联机。1为仅邀请,2为仅好友,3为好友的好友。 currentTick:当前的游...
The Trader Llama now has its own spawn egg 行商羊驼有了他自己的刷怪蛋 Added the player's ...
from_villageEntity was originally from a village go_back_to_spawn_failedEntity can not go back to spawn got_in_powder_snowEntity has entered powder snow and begins freezing got_out_of_powder_snowEntity has gotten out of the powder snow and can begin to thaw ...
spawnPoint?:DimensionLocation=null Notes: This function can't be called in read-only mode. This function can throw errors. ThrowsError,LocationOutOfWorldBoundariesError startItemCooldown startItemCooldown(cooldownCategory: string, tickDuration: number): void ...
import*asgameTestfrom'@minecraft/server-gametest'; gameTest .registerAsync('StarterTests','simpleMobTest',async(test: gameTest.Test) => {constattackerId ='fox';constvictimId ='chicken'; test.spawn(attackerId, { x:5, y:2, z:5}); test.spawn(victimId, { x:2, y:2, z:2}); test....
Villagers can be found in every type of village, which can spawn in several biomes such as plains, snowy plains, savannas, deserts, taigas, and snowy taigas[Bedrock Edition only] and can cut into other biomes such as swamps and jungles. When the village is generated, unemployed ...
For technical reasons, you need to know the seed of your world to use Village Finder, unless, of course, you want to find a seed for a new world. If you're playingSSP, the app is able to fetch the seed from your savegame. Alternatively, you can use the/seedcommand ingame. InSMP...