minecraft:sapling 树苗 minecraft:bedrock 基岩 minecraft:flowing_water 水 minecraft:water 静态水 minecraft:flowing_lava 岩浆 minecraft:lava 静态岩浆 minecraft:sand 沙子 minecraft:gravel 沙砾 minecraft:gold_ore 金矿石 minecraft:iron_ore 铁矿石 minecraft:coal_ore 煤矿石 minecraft:log 木头 minecraft:leaves ...
Minecraft - 1.19.10 (Bedrock)Minecraft 基岩版 1.19.10 A new update is now available for ...
7 Bedrockbedrock 8 Waterflowing_water 9 Water (No Spread)water 10 Lavaflowing_lava 11 Lava (No Spread)lava 12 Sand sand 12:1 Red Sand sand:1 13 Gravel gravel 14 Gold Ore gold_ore 15 Iron Ore iron_ore 16 Coal Orecoal_ore 17 Wood (Oak) log 17:1 Wood (Spruce) log:1 17:2 Wood...
runCommandAsync 会将 CommandError 移交至 reject 处理器【希铁石z 译自官网2023 年 06 月 07 日发布的 Trails & Tales Update Now Available on Bedrock;原作者 Matt Gartzke,部分翻译参考了中文 Minecraft Wiki】 【本文排版借助了:SPXX v2.4.14】 |想了解更多游戏资讯? 苦力怕论坛 - 游戏资讯板块 Powered ...
95 5F invisible_bedrock 隐形的基岩 96 60 trapdoor 活板门 S 97 61 monster_egg 虫蚀方块 S B 98 62 stonebrick 石砖 S B 99 63 brown_mushroom_block 棕色蘑菇方块 S 100 64 red_mushroom_block 红色蘑菇方块 S 101 65 iron_bars 铁栏杆 102 66 glass_pane 玻璃板 103 67 melon_block...
bedrock = 基岩 bell = 钟 camera = 摄像机 conduit = 潮涌核心 invisibleBedrock = 隐形基岩 beetroot = 甜菜根 big_dripleaf = 大型垂滴叶 small_dripleaf_block = 小型垂滴叶 hanging_roots = 垂根 dirt_with_roots = 缠根泥土 spore_blossom = 孢子花 ...
Soul Reave is a Minecraft Bedrock addon that grants players a life-steal ability. When a player kills a mob, they absorb its essence, restoring 30% of the mob’s max health as th... ByEalden robot Published on 10 Feb, 2025 5
MINECRAFT BEDROCK 1.20.80 MINECRAFT 基岩版 1.20.80 Armor up and adventure together! 整装上阵,一同冒险! Eight new wolf variations, wolf armor, and armadillos are dropping in Minecraft today! Meet the armadillo, a mob found in the savanna or badlands biomes, and craft wolf armor from its scut...
To run a Bedrock Dedicated Server, open a command prompt by opening the Start Menu and typing 'Command Prompt', or by using the Windows Terminal app from the Microsoft Store). Use the cd command to change directories to where you unzipped the Bedrock Dedicated Server. For example, type cd...
To learn more about how blocks function in Minecraft: Bedrock Edition, please take a look at the Block JSON DocumentationList of Blocks展开表 Name minecraft:acacia_button minecraft:acacia_door minecraft:acacia_double_slab minecraft:acacia_fence minecraft:acacia_fence_gate minecraft:acacia_hanging_sign...