Ubuntu / Debian distributions supported Sets up Minecraft as a system service with option to autostart at boot Automatic backups when server restarts Supports multiple instances -- you can run multiple Bedrock servers on the same system Updates automatically to the latest version when server is start...
Sets up a Minecraft Bedrock dedicated server on Ubuntu / Debian with options for automatic updates, backups and running automatically at startup. View installation instructions at: https://jamesachambers.com/minecraft-bedrock-edition-ubuntu-dedicated-server-guide/ If you are looking for a Docker co...
同上,请下载适用于Ubuntu系统的服务端。 二、服务端的启动 将下载到的压缩包解压到一个空文件夹 适用于Linux系统的服务端 新建一个空白文件,命名为start.sh,在里面输入“LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./bedrock_server” 打开终端,用cd指令切换到服务端目录,桌面版的话直接右键文件夹空白区域,点在终端中打开,输入指令“sh...
ding latest Bedrock server"; DOWNLOAD_URL=$(curl https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/download/server/bedrock/ | grep azureedge | grep linux | grep -Eo "(http|https)://[a-zA-Z0-9./?=_-]*"); BEDROCK_ZIP=$(echo $DOWNLOAD_URL | cut -d"/" -f5); else echo -e "\n Downloading $...
然后我们去Minecraft 服务器官网找到 Ubuntu 服务器的下载按钮,对其右键 "复制链接" 。然后我们回到终端: # 执行之前确保当前目录为 /home/minecraft# 将 <SERVER_DOWNLOAD_LINK> 替换为具体的下载链接,如:# `wget https://minecraft.azureedge.net/bin-linux/bedrock-server-`wget <SERVER_DOWNLOAD...
在CentOS7上原生运行bedrock服务器,不借助他人编译库包,或是wine [exe] 2. 不使用screen进行进程保留,使用Multicraft面板托管并前端管理bedrock服务器 先上效果 本人运行环境为Aliyun学生轻量应用服务器 第一部分 原生运行 本片段参照一位日本老哥的做法(原文链接:https://minecraft.server-memo.net/bedrock_server_in...
基岩版专用服务器(Bedrock Dedicated Server/BDS)允许Minecraft的玩家在家里安装有Windows或Ubuntu(Linux)的电脑亦或使用云服务托管搭建自己的服务器。…
https://github.com/LomotHo/minecraft-bedrock/blob/master/readme_zh.md 快速开启服务器 先在服务器上安装docker curl -sSL https://get.daocloud.io/docker | sh # 此脚本适用于Ubuntu,Debian,Centos等大部分Linux systemctl start docker # 安装完成后记得打开docker ...
Minecraft server operators using Ubuntu are encouraged to prepare for this transition by updating their deployments to 20.04 LTS as soon as possible. 对Linux 用户: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS(Bionic Beaver)会在 2023 年结束支持,届时,Minecraft Linux 专用服务器的最低需求 Ubuntu 版本也将改为 20.04 LTS(Focal ...
Minecraft Bedrock Edition Server Description Minecraft Bedrock Edition server is based on Ubuntu 18.04 Docker image. Software Architecture Software architecture description:Only X86 is supported (because the base image is Ubuntu18.04 X86_64) Installation ...