Added spawn categories to Bedrock. They will be used in the future for mob spawning. Spawn categories have been enabled in entity behavior pack files, but are not yet functional 为基岩版加入了生成分类,其将在未来用于生物生成。目前已在行为包的实体文件中启用,但尚未生效 BLOCKS 方块 Blocks using ...
Parity: Carrot on a stick, shield, and shovel now lose durability consistently in Bedrock 版本差异内容同步:将胡萝卜钓竿,盾牌和锹的耐久改为与Java版一致 Fire charges are now consumed after lighting a tnt block (MCPE-42938) 点燃TNT后,火焰弹会正常消耗了 Player icons no longer appear as white s...
Parity: Carrot on a stick, shield, and shovel now lose durability consistently in Bedrock 版本差异内容同步:将胡萝卜钓竿,盾牌和锹的耐久改为与Java版一致 Fire charges are now consumed after lighting a tnt block (MCPE-42938) 点燃TNT后,火焰弹会正常消耗了 Player icons no longer appear as white s...