you can't modify "minecraft:torch" or any item already on the game, since mojang blocked it. thats why he made another item. On Java you can, but on bedrock not anymore. this message you will get: [Item][error]-Non-Vanilla item 'minecraft:torch' should not be using the "minecraft"...
Items now stack properly in the offhand when inventory is full (MCPE-34959)背包满时,物品会在...
Have you ever wanted to experience the world of Ardonia in Minecraft Bedrock Edition? With custom race selection, over 15 different custom weapons, 20 songs, 1 custom boss, custom music, and entities for magnorites, ardoni, netharans, and felinas, this addon makes it so you can!
(MinecraftItemTypes.NetheriteBoots)); equipmentCompPlayer.setEquipment(EquipmentSlot.Mainhand, new ItemStack(MinecraftItemTypes.WoodenSword)); equipmentCompPlayer.setEquipment(EquipmentSlot.Offhand, new ItemStack(MinecraftItemTypes.Shield)); } else { console.warn('No equipment component found on player');...
• Export the world directly to MCPE (MC PE / Minecraft PE / Minecraft Bedrock Edition) • Shortcuts galore even without having to activate cheats Plug Toolbox has all the best cheats for Minecraft you'll ever need, with a settings level editor / map editor / world editor, so you ca...
The Undergarden is a dark, subterranean world located deep below the bedrock of the Overworld. The flora here has adapted to their conditions and can grow anywhere, independent of light. Strange creatures call these dark lands home, and are plagued by the invasive Rotspawn, monsters originating...
End Crystal Placing:Allows placing End Crystals without requiring Obsidian or Bedrock below End Portal Parallax:Re-implements parallax rendering of the end portal from 1.11 and older Entity Radius Check These tweaks are only effective if you have mod(s) that increaseWorld.MAX_ENTITY_RADIUS! (Lycani...
/script profiler 命令现在包含了一个调用其跟踪调用栈的原生 API 【苦力怕553 译自http://feedback.minecraft.net2022 年 7 月 7 日发布的 Minecraft - 1.19.10 (Bedrock)】 【本文排版借助了:SPXX v2.4.11】 【原贴地址:】...
End Crystal Placing: Allows placing End Crystals without requiring Obsidian or Bedrock below End Portal Parallax: Re-implements parallax rendering of the end portal from 1.11 and older Entity Radius Check These tweaks are only effective if you have mod(s) that increase World.MAX_ENTITY_RADIUS!
Minecraft - 1.19.10 (Bedrock) Minecraft 基岩版 1.19.10 A new update is now available for Minecraft, featuring allay duplication, locate biome command capabilities, and a swath of new improvements. Minecraft 的一个新的更新现已可用,加入了悦灵的复制,定位生物群系的指令新功能,以及一些新的改进。