minecraft:bedrock [[ 为运行脚本而分配的时间已耗尽。 |为运行脚本而分配的时间已耗尽。 ]] 8 为运行脚本而分配的时间已耗尽。 minecraft:flowing_water [[ 为运行脚本而分配的时间已耗尽。 |为运行脚本而分配的时间已耗尽。 ]] S 9 为运行脚本而分配的时间已耗尽。 minecraft:water 静态[[ 为...
minecraft:planks 木板 minecraft:sapling 树苗 minecraft:bedrock 基岩 minecraft:flowing_water 水 minecraft:water 静态水 minecraft:flowing_lava 岩浆 minecraft:lava 静态岩浆 minecraft:sand 沙子 minecraft:gravel 沙砾 minecraft:gold_ore 金矿石 minecraft:iron_ore 铁矿石 minecraft:coal_ore 煤矿石 minecraft:log ...
区块是储存在Anvil文件中的各种标签,这些Anvil文件以r.x.z.mca的形式命名。区块使用NBT格式储存,遵循以下结构组成。 根标签。 below_zero_retrogen:用于在升级为1.18的世界时,原区块负值高度上重新生成方块的数据。可能不存在。 missing_bedrock:每个二进制位代表了此位置上是否缺失基岩,用于决定是否重新生成此位置...
7 Bedrockbedrock 8 Waterflowing_water 9 Water (No Spread)water 10 Lavaflowing_lava 11 Lava (No Spread)lava 12 Sand sand 12:1 Red Sand sand:1 13 Gravel gravel 14 Gold Ore gold_ore 15 Iron Ore iron_ore 16 Coal Orecoal_ore 17 Wood (Oak) log 17:1 Wood (Spruce) log:1 17:2 Wood...
TRAILS & TALES UPDATE NOW AVAILABLE ON BEDROCK足迹与故事更新现已在基岩版上发布 The Trails & Tales Update brings your stories to life! Ride a camel with a companion to find archeological sites or a cherry grove. Hatch a sniffer egg to bring it back from extinction. Create playable mob sounds...
bedrock=基岩 bell=钟 camera=摄像机 conduit=潮涌核心 invisibleBedrock=隐形基岩 beetroot=甜菜根 birchFence=桦木栅栏 birch_fence_gate=桦木栅栏门 blast_furnace=高炉 bone_block=骨头方块 coal_block=煤炭块 diamond_block=钻石块 emerald_block=绿宝石块 ...
1、方块ID图标DecHex名称方块000minecraft:air空气101minecraft:stone石头 S B202minecraft:grass草方块303minecraft:dirt泥土 S B404minecraft:cobblestone圆石505minecraft:planks木板 S B606minecraft:sapling树苗 S B707minecraft:bedrock基岩808minecraft:flowing_water水 S909minecraft:water静态水 S100Aminecraft:flowing_...
You can now protect yourself in style with a new feature: the customizable shield. This parity feature not only brings shield banner customization to Minecraft: Bedrock Edition, but gives you a very fashionable (if somewhat flammable) defence tool. Just combine your shield with your favorite banne...
在多人线上游戏时,管理员可以通过运行 /solid指令来使所有的石头都变成基石(Bedrock,游戏中最底层方块,无法被摧毁),以控制非管理员玩家的行为。在天然的游戏世界中,石层中可以找到天然洞穴,矿石,砾石(Gravel),土(Dirt),地牢(Dungeon),还有水或岩浆的喷泉。---Beta 版本中的石头---在Beta版本...
minecraft:bedrock minecraft:bee_nest minecraft:beehive minecraft:beetroot minecraft:bell minecraft:big_dripleaf minecraft:birch_button minecraft:birch_door minecraft:birch_double_slab minecraft:birch_fence minecraft:birch_fence_gate minecraft:birch_hanging_sign minecraft:birch_leaves minecraft:birch_log minecra...