If you buy Minecraft for PC from the official Minecraft website, you now get both Java and Bedrock Edition in one package. The Minecraft Launcher is the official application that lets you access and manage different versions of Minecraft from one place. It acts as a hub where players can lo...
主机上的在线多人游戏需要 Xbox Game Pass Ultimate 或 Xbox Live Gold(单独出售)。 说明 The original version of Minecraft! Java Edition has cross-platform play between Windows, Linux and macOS, and also supports user-created skins and mods. ...
只买了基岩版(Win10版)的话推荐一个第三方启动器:MBL(Minecraft Bedrock Launcher)官方启动器玩基岩版只能同时存在一个版本 而MBL可以存在多个Beta版和正式版 切换比较方便B站上看到的不错的介绍视频:BV1444y1a7b8(官网视频里有)后门的话应该不至于 用了几个月没啥问题 7楼2022-02-07 20:49 回复 金币...
After your launcher pops up, you’ll be prompted to choose between installing Minecraft Java Edition and Minecraft Bedrock Edition. Which one should you choose? The two versions have hundreds of differences, most of which are technical and relatively small. A few are worth considering before ...
16:30:59 Trace [REDIRECT] /data/data/Applications/Minecraft Bedrock Launcher.app/Contents/MacOS/./mcpelauncher-client to /Users/muneebh/Library/Application Support/mcpelauncher/ 16:30:59 Trace [REDIRECT] /data/data to /Users/muneebh/Library/Application Support/mcpelauncher/ ...
23:17:41 Trace [REDIRECT] /data/data/com.mojang.minecraftpe to /Users/macos/Library/Application Support/mcpelauncher/ 23:17:41 Trace [REDIRECT] /data/data/Applications/Minecraft Bedrock Launcher.app/Contents/proc/712/cmdline to /Users/macos/Library/Application Support/mcpelauncher/ ...
主机上的在线多人游戏需要 Xbox Game Pass Ultimate 或 Xbox Live Gold(单独出售)。 说明 The original version of Minecraft! Java Edition has cross-platform play between Windows, Linux and macOS, and also supports user-created skins and mods. ...
关于基岩版第三方启动器BedrockLauncher 只看楼主收藏回复 流光耀夜 新的开始 2 只要一点play显示出这个正在注册包就立刻闪退,也没有报错弹窗,如何解决 送TA礼物 1楼2024-07-17 14:59回复 流光耀夜 新的开始 2 顶顶 2楼2024-07-17 15:37 回复 blo_old114514 沙漠神殿 8 BE不是可以不用启动器...
In this article, we'll provide a step-by-step guide on how to allocate more RAM to Minecraft using three popular launchers.Note: These methods apply only to "Minecraft: Java Edition" and are not applicable to other editions like "Bedrock" (also known as "Minecraft for Windows 10"), ...
GeyserMC is a mod that lets Minecraft Bedrock players join a Java server. ByJhet Borja Dec 25, 2023 How to Download and Install Minecraft Maps Gaming Would you like to learn how to install some new Minecraft maps? We'll make it easy. ...