All we need to do is enter the seed/code into the "World seed" box which we can find within the Minecraft menu as shown in the picture above. Finally, now that we’ve got everything out of the way, let’s get into our list with the best Minecraft Bedrock seeds!
Mega Underwater Ravine (Bedrock Edition only) Requirements Seed For technical reasons, you need to know the seed of your world to use Ravine Finder, unless, of course, you want to find a seed for a new world. If you're playingSSP, the app is able to fetch the seed from your savegam...
If you're a Bedrock player who strives for riches, this seed will give you wealth beyond your wildest dreams. Walk to the northeast of Spawn to find a large Beach biome in the center of a Plains biome. Beneath the sands of this beach, you'll find seven different buried treasure chests...
Unfortunately, this leaves some structures like fossils on Bedrock and ruined portals that spawn underground, which will require some manual effort to find. Requirements Seed For technical reasons, you need to know the seed of your world to use Seed Map, unless, of course, you want to find ...
15 Best Minecraft 1.19.4 (Java, Bedrock, PE) seeds to try in February 2023 February 15, 2023 Find the 15 best Minecraft 1.19.4 seeds for February 2023 below, and get ready for a month of nonstop adventure and discovery! Ancient City Underground Map seed: 4189766944005904899 XRay Mod 1.19...
Minecraft Bedrock Edition 足迹与故事更新 1.20.0(内部版本1.20.0.01)正式于2023年6月8日发布! 3#2023-6-9 07:57:11收起回复 我的世界剑翔2023-6-9 14:32IP:湖南省 回复举报 实际上他是6月7日晚上11:30发布的 苏维埃荣光-德左回复我的世界剑翔2023-6-11 17:34IP:河北省 回复举报 MOJANG有饼吧!这么...
MC-Addons.comMinecraft (PE) Bedrock Addons / Mods Search Full version Better Savanna Addon mine-craft Today, 17:47 0 Mods / Addons/Mods 1.21 Better Savanna Addon is created specifically to improve the Savanna biome and make the game on this biome more fun. ...
Version:Java and Bedrock A lush Bamboo Jungle meets a structure-filled Desert in this seed. It's a particularly sweet deal for Java players, who will be able to find an exposed dark oak mineshaft near Spawn as well as a second oak mineshaft further into the Desert. However, this does no...
How to get Minecraft Bedrock Editor Bedrock Editor OverviewLet's Put a House in a GreenhouseIn this tutorial, we are going to build a glass structure and then copy and paste one of the village houses inside it. The glass structure will be made of two parts - a solid block base and a...
Seed code:508164565 System:Pocket Edition/PE/Bedrock Edition 7. Horse Island Survival Have you ever wanted to live on a deserted island filled with horses? This seed spawns you on a small island where - you guessed it - your only company is a herd of wild horses. There’s also a shipwr...