betterbedrock | 5.1 | BetterBedrock-1.12.2-5.1.11.jar | None | | LCH | mts | 15.4.0 | Immersive+Vehicles-1.12.2-15.4.0.jar | None | | LCH | unuparts | 2.2.0 | UNU+Parts+Pack+[MTS]+[IR]+1.12.2-15.3.0-1.5.0-2.2.0.jar | None | | LCH | btcivil | 2.3.0 | ...
{ x: targetLocation.x, y: targetLocation.y, z: targetLocation.z + 4 }; const armorStand = players[0].dimension.spawnEntity(MinecraftItemTypes.ArmorStand, armorStandLoc); const equipmentCompPlayer = players[0].getComponent(EntityComponentTypes.Equippable) as EntityEquippableComponent; if (...
Follow our unofficial Minecraft with RTX guide to convert your Minecraft Java worlds to Minecraft Windows 10 Bedrock edition, enabling them to be enhanced with PBR textures and path-traced ray tracing.
structureLocation: @minecraft/server.Vector3 structureDimension?: @minecraft/server.DimensionType | string = nullReturns RegistrationBuilder - RegistrationBuilder object where additional configuration methods can be called.Notes:This function can't be called in read-only mode. This function can throw ...
Bedrock Edition webhook bots setup Config files Override systemd unit configuration Update MCscripts Remove MCscripts Notes How to run commands in the server console: sudo /opt/MCscripts/bin/ SERVICE COMMAND...#Minecraft Bedrock Edition server examplesudo /opt/MCscripts/bin/ mc...
Blockbench - A low poly 3D model editor electronminecraftpixel-art3dlow-polyblockbenchhytale UpdatedMar 1, 2025 JavaScript Load more… Created byMarkus Persson, Jens Bergensten ReleasedNovember 18, 2011 24.2k followers Wikipedia Related Topics minecraft-bedrock-edition...
comfortable to use. This is adjustable using the Spyglass Damping slider in Settings on Bedrock ...
Minecraft - 1.17.30 (Bedrock) Minecraft 基岩版 1.17.30 Accessibility 辅助功能 Text to Speech chat setting once again correctly narrates chat messages (MCPE-129901) 文本转语音聊天设置现在会正确讲述聊天信息 (MCPE-129901) Text to Speech now correctly reads item names in the inventory ...
Fully operational Minecraft Bedrock edition server in a couple of minutes Ubuntu / Debian distributions supported Sets up Minecraft as a system service with option to autostart at boot Automatic backups when server restarts Supports multiple instances -- you can run multiple Bedrock servers on the sa...
Minecraft - The Wild Update - 1.19.0 (Bedrock) Minecraft 基岩版 The Wild Update - 1.19.0 Set your sights for adventure, wander aimlessly, or seek out something new in The Wild Update! 在最新的荒野更新中放眼冒险、四处探险或者寻找新事物吧!