A reference document detailing the entities and damage sources used in addons for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition
查找方法:先在.minecraft\assets\index\1.18.json中查找minecraft/lang/zh_cn.json,然后根据hash在.minecraft\assets\objects里面找对应的文件。 比如这里是9fabbc798786c7b7364902b31bdb37c2c037e9b8,那么它就在9f文件夹中。找到后用文本编辑器打开,里面都是unicode编码,直接copy到浏览器F12控制台就能看到,这里转换了...
Learn Minecraft Bedrock Edition 閱讀英文 儲存 新增至集合 新增至計劃 共用方式為 Facebook x.com LinkedIn 電子郵件 列印 Entity Class 發行項 2024/05/23 2 位參與者 意見反應 本文內容 Classes that extend Entity Properties Methods Classes that extend Entity Player Represents the state of an...
EntityIterator Class Learn 登入 Minecraft 教學課程 工具與架構 文章 參考文件 資源 入口網站 此內容未提供您的語言版本。 這是英文版。 版本 Minecraft Bedrock Experimental APIs EntityIsBabyComponent EntityIsChargedComponent EntityIsChestedComponent EntityIsDyeableComponent...
You can add new entity types to Minecraft: Bedrock Edition using a behavior pack and a resource pack. As you learned from the recommended tutorials, the behavior of entity types can be changed with a behavior pack and you can change the appearance with a resource pack. Both are required to...
Automatically generated protocol documentation, symbols list and entity ids list for Minecraft Bedrock Edition posted once a release or a beta is released symbols-collectionprotocol-specificationminecraft-bedrock-edition UpdatedMar 10, 2021 A cross-platform NBT editor built on the web!
为minecraft:spawn_entity 加入了 spawn_item_event 事件,生成物品时会调用该事件 Attribute "speed_multiplier" in the "minecraft:boostable" component is now being parsed correctly from json file. Old behavior is maintained for "format_version" lower than 1.20 with 1.35 value rather than what the jso...
root@localhost:/home/minecraft# ls worlds 'Bedrock level' steve 这表示我们服务器里有 Bedrock level 和steve 两个地图存档。启动服务器的时候,服务器会运行名称为 level-name 属性值的地图存档,如果地图存档在 worlds 目录里不存在,则会新生成一个名为 level-name 属性值地图存档。
Minecraft 1.21.30 Bedrock更新日志Minecraft Bedrock 1.21.30发布 Written ByJay WellsPublished9/17/24 撰写人 Jay Wells 发布时间 2024/9/17 In this week’s changelog, villagers can finally sleep soundly, foxes are getting more hearts, and we’ve got bundles of information about – bundles, which ...
EntityFilter EntityHitInformation EntityQueryOptions EntityQueryPropertyOptions EntityQueryScoreOptions EntityRaycastHit EntityRaycastOptions EqualsComparison ExplosionOptions GreaterThanComparison GreaterThanOrEqualsComparison ItemCustomComponent LessThanComparison ...