Minecraft Java vs Bedrock: Enchantment Differences It’s unfortunate that even after 15 years of existence, the Java and Bedrock versions of Minecraft are far from equal. Because of that, you have to face some differences in enchantments as well. None of them are groundbreaking and won’t affe...
Bedrock(minecraft:bedrock) 8 Flowing Water(minecraft:flowing_water) 9 Still Water(minecraft:water) 10 Flowing Lava(minecraft:flowing_lava) 11 Still Lava(minecraft:lava) 12 Sand(minecraft:sand) 12:1 Red Sand(minecraft:sand) 13 Gravel(minecraft:gravel) 14 Gold Ore(minecraft:gold_ore) 15 Iron ...
●构造函数Enchantmentlist(slot : EnchantSlot) .●只读属性槽: Enchantslot .此集合应用于的项目槽/类型●只读属性allEnchantments : EnchantmentInstance[]-作为此附魔集合一部分的所有附魔 ●方法conAddEnchantment/instonce: . Enchantmentnstance) : bool -返回是否可以将提供的Enchantmentinstance添加到此集合中 ●M...
Minecraft - 1.17.30 (Bedrock)Minecraft 基岩版 1.17.30 It's time for the Minecraft 1.17.30...
Minecraft Bedrock 1.21.30 Released Minecraft 1.21.30 Bedrock更新日志 Minecraft Bedrock 1.21.30发布 Written By Jay Wells Published 9/17/24 撰写人 Jay Wells 发布时间 2024/9/17 In this week’s changelog, villagers can finally sleep soundly, foxes are getting more hearts, and we’ve got bundles...
Container Class 發現卡 產品文件 開發語言 主題 此內容未提供您的語言版本。 這是英文版。 關閉警示 版本 Minecraft Bedrock Stable APIs Behavior Pack JSON Files Resource Pack JSON Files Molang Default Minecraft Listings Raw Message JSON Version Disambiguation...
Minecraft Bedrock Edition 足迹与故事更新 1.20.0(内部版本1.20.0.01)正式于2023年6月8日发布! 3#2023-6-9 07:57:11收起回复 我的世界剑翔2023-6-9 14:32IP:湖南省 回复举报 实际上他是6月7日晚上11:30发布的 苏维埃荣光-德左回复我的世界剑翔2023-6-11 17:34IP:河北省 回复举报 MOJANG有饼吧!这么...
Armor_Stand: 盔甲架Azure_Bluet: 茜草花Bamboo_Sapling: 竹笋Banner: 旗帜Banner_Pattern: 旗帜图案Barrel: 木桶Barrier: 屏障Beacon: 信标Bed: 床Bed_Ce: 床Bed_Lce: 床Bedrock: 基岩Beetroots: 甜菜Bell: 钟Birch_Button: 白桦木按钮Birch_Door: 白桦木门Birch_Fence: 白桦木栅栏Birch_Fence_Gate: 白桦木栅栏...
Minecraft Bedrock Stable APIs 搜索 ItemComponentBeforeDurabilityDamageEvent ItemComponentCompleteUseEvent ItemComponentConsumeEvent ItemComponentHitEntityEvent ItemComponentMineBlockEvent ItemComponentRegistry ItemComponentUseEvent ItemComponentUseOnEvent ItemCooldownComponent ...
Contains information on a type of enchantment.Propertiesidread-only id: string;The name of the enchantment type.Type: stringmaxLevelread-only maxLevel: number;The maximum level this type of enchantment can have.Type: numberMethodsconstructor constructornew EnchantmentType(enchantmentType: string)...