gamemode:默认的游戏模式,survival生存,creative创造,adventure冒险。 difficulty:默认难度,peaceful和平,easy简单,normal普通,hard困难。 max-players:玩家数量限制,默认为10。 server-port:服务器端口,默认为19132。 server-portv6:IPv6 端口,默认为19133。 online-mode...
building anything you can think of. You can fly around the game world and focus on completing larger projects.Survival modebrings in more time-sensitive oraction-basedgameplay, where what you do affects
gamemode:默认的游戏模式,survival生存,creative创造,adventure冒险。 difficulty:默认难度,peaceful和平,easy简单,normal普通,hard困难。 max-players:玩家数量限制,默认为10。 server-port:服务器端口,默认为19132。 server-portv6:IPv6 端口,默认为19133。 online-mode:正版验证,如果你的服务器可以正常连接到 Xbox Live...
gamemode:默认的游戏模式,survival生存,creative创造,adventure冒险。 difficulty:默认难度,peaceful和平,easy简单,normal普通,hard困难。 max-players:玩家数量限制,默认为10。 server-port:服务器端口,默认为19132。 server-portv6:IPv6 端口,默认为19133。 online-mode:正版验证,如果你的服务器可以正常连接到 Xbox Live...
# 将地图存档名称由 steve 改为 alexmv steve alex# 删除地图存档 steverm -r steve# 如果地图名里含有空格,请在空格前加个 `\` 进行转义rm -r Bedrock\level 如果你想切换地图存档,先终止服务器,然后去server.properties文件里更改level-name属性,最后开启服务器。
Players can no longer eat food at full hunger in Survival mode (MCPE-60807) 生存模式下满饱食度时玩家不能再吃东西 (MCPE-60807) Sea Grass no longer spawns under Lily Pads during world generation to avoid breaking them 海草不再在睡莲下面生成,来避免睡莲被破坏 ...
Players can no longer eat food at full hunger in Survival mode (MCPE-60807) 生存模式下,玩家在饱腹状态下不能再进食了 (MCPE-60807) Amethyst geodes are now much less likely to generate in Strongholds, and if they do they will not destroy End Portals (MCPE-129861, MCPE-128799) ...
Perfect for survival mode! How to install Survival Safe ZoneAddons have the following file formats: .mcpack, .mcaddon, .mcworld and less often .zip. These new file types automate the process of installing modifications, texture packs and maps....
Updated textures for multiple blocks and items to remove bugs and achieve parity between Bedrock and Java Edition (MCPE-127539) 更新了多种方块与物品的纹理以移除问题并与 Java 版同步 (MCPE-127539) Lodestone Compass 磁石指针 Oak Door,Dark Oak Door,Birch Door,Spruce Door,Acacia Door,and Jungle Doo...
Minecraft for Windows Explore randomly generated worlds and build amazing things from the simplest of homes to the grandest of castles. Play in creative mode with unlimited resources or mine deep into the world in survival mode, crafting weapons and armor to fend off the dangerous mobs. Scale cr...