We're excited to say we're working on Hardcore mode for Bedrock Edition, and we hope it'll ...
Face up against the bogged, test the new wind charge and more in today’s preview and beta for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition.咻!你听到了那个声音了吗?不,那不是剧毒之箭的声音(待会会提到) – 那是今天将要到来的基岩版预览中的风弹。使用风弹,你就可以借助旋风人的部分力量,比如跳得特别高,以及向...
Minecraft 基岩版 BETa & Preview Minecraft Bedrock Edition BETa Preview Changelog一份Minecraft 基岩版BETa Preview 更新日志 What? Where? When? Why? I might be slightly dizzy, but I’m doing my best to muddy the waters in preparation for the grand introduction of the most bemired bi...
Ahem, excuse me! Ever since I set up shop on top of this stony peak, I’ve been communicating exclusively through yodels. I’ll switch back to words for this Bedrock Beta update, that brings you updates from these heights all the way down to dripstone and lush caves. 哟嘚嘞嘿呼! 咳...
Fixed an issue where using Education Edition in a world would also change the menus and options (MCPE-47952) 修复了在一个世界中使用教育版模式会自动更改菜单和选项的问题 Gameplay 游玩 Fixed issues related to unloaded chunks that could appear in Realms and Local worlds (REALMS-1553) ...
A Minecraft Bedrock Edition Preview Minecraft 基岩版预览 We always talk about squashing bugs in our changelogs, but this week we’re doing it with an enchanted mace forextrasquashing power! Test out theDensity,Breach, andWind Burstenchantments, which are all unique to the mace,...
No, it wasn’t the sound of a poison arrow (more on that later) – it was the wind charge, which is coming to Bedrock Edition preview and betas TODAY. The wind charge is an item that lets you harness some of the breeze’s powers – like being able to leap extra high, and shoot ...
Pointed dripstone item is rendered differently in-hand on Bedrock compared to Java Edition 滴水石锥...
Enabled content logging on Bedrock Dedicated Server 可以在基岩版专用服务器上启用日志记录 Added a delay option to command blocks 给命令方块添加延迟功能 A delay can be added to the command block using the new field. The ticks for this delay are Redstone ticks. ...
5 WorldEdit: Bedrock Edition Gives you the tools to make building easier and more fun! ByCennac. Published on 12 Feb, 2025 5 Enchantment level limiter An addont to limit the max level of an item/book. ByCennac. Published on 12 Feb, 2025 ...