版本变更已在文档中详细显示,从 'query.item_remaining_use_duration' 开始修复 【我真的按了译自feedback.minecraft.net 2021年9月21日 发布的 Minecraft - 1.17.30 (Bedrock)】 【本文排版借助了:SPXX2.0】 本文译者:我真的按了转载自MCBBS: Minecraft 基岩版 1.17.30 发布 https://www.mcbbs.net/forum...
表示有些颜色只支持JAVA版本(JE),有些只支持基岩版本(Bedrock,BE),而大部分的颜色则两个都支持 /give @p minecraft:netherite_sword{display:{Name:'{"text":"武器","color":"red"}'}} 你便得到了红色名字为"武器"的下界合金剑了! 相对的,简介也能变色! /give @p minecraft:netherite_sword{display:{...
In most text situations, the color and format codes are applied by putting asection sign(§) with the color code before your tag. This works in vanilla Minecraft, no mods rquired! That said,it only works in Bedrock edition, with Java edition you will need to use mods. For example, if...
修复了监守者右手底面没有发光纹理的纹理问题(MCPE-153664)。 Updated fog JSON schema to allow distance fog settings to use negative value as ‘fog_start’. Allowing nearby blocks to also be tinted with fog color 更新了雾的 JSON 格式,允许雾影响范围值 ‘fog_start’ 使用负值,这样可以使附近的方...
MINECRAFT BEDROCK 1.20.80 MINECRAFT 基岩版 1.20.80 Armor up and adventure together!整装上阵,...
/tellraw 我是redstone {"rawtext":[{"color":"blue"},{"text":"你的指令教程写的很好"}]} (新版本好像不能用了?) 一般来说,JSON命令的格式是{"rawtext":[{"功能":"内容"}]},计分板是一个例外 但是/titleraw只有1.16版本以上才可以用,/tellraw在1.13以上就可以用,1.13以下不知道可不可以...
Most texture files in vanillaMinecraft(Bedrock) only use 2 maps: base color and opacity. The base color map is stored in the RGB channels of the texture. This is the texture map that most people think of when talking aboutMinecrafttextures. ...
Launch Minecraft Bedrock Editor. Select "Create New Project." Name the project something meaningful like "Editor Test Project" and open it up. Select the brush tool (Ctrl B) and draw something by clicking on the ground a few times. Go to the File menu and select Export as ... Playable...
Minecraft Bedrock Edition 足迹与故事更新 1.20.0(内部版本1.20.0.01)正式于2023年6月8日发布! 3#2023-6-9 07:57:11收起回复 我的世界剑翔2023-6-9 14:32IP:湖南省 回复举报 实际上他是6月7日晚上11:30发布的 苏维埃荣光-德左回复我的世界剑翔2023-6-11 17:34IP:河北省 回复举报 MOJANG有饼吧!这么...
Launch Minecraft Bedrock Editor. Select "Create New Project." Name the project something meaningful like "Editor Test Project" and open it up. Select the brush tool (Ctrl B) and draw something by clicking on the ground a few times. Go to the File menu and select Export as ... Playable...