Please ensure you have pulled the latest imagesinceall official mitigationsare automatically applied by the container startup process. Looking for a Bedrock Dedicated Server For Minecraft clients running on consoles, mobile, or native Windows, you'll need to use this image instead: itzg/minecraft-...
Nathan 'Dinnerbone' Adams is a technical director at Mojang Studios who worked on Java and Bedrock editions, and its launcher. I think the skellies reference is because he improved the skeletons? Links: ...
| forum = | notes = Generates a forest surrounded by bedrock walls. The map is quite flat (around 30 blocks high). Even though the generator was made for Alpha v1.2.1_01 it still works with 1.5.2, but only if you co...
-e LEVEL_TYPE=flat -e 'GENERATOR_SETTINGS=3;minecraft:bedrock,3*minecraft:stone,52*minecraft:sandstone;2;' In Minecraft 1.13+ you need to pass json (generator site) like this (details see here): -e LEVEL_TYPE=flat -e 'GENERATOR_SETTINGS={"biome":"minecraft:the_void","layers":[{"bl...
itzg/minecraft-bedrock-serverInteracting with the serverRCON is enabled by default, so you can exec into the container to access the Minecraft server console:docker exec -i mc rcon-cli Note: The -i is required for interactive use of rcon-cli....