The appearance is determined by the biome where the breeding occurs in Bedrock Edition.[6] Two villagers breeding.Food UnitsDuring breeding, food is required and consumed from the villager's inventories. Different foods supply different amounts of "food units" to the villager. Carrots, potatoes,...
We present to you a new large add-on that adds new weapons and interesting new items to the Minecraft world. Three new types of Villager swords and a new three items of food will be added to the
Tips:Bring at least two stacks of eyes of ender, and have a good pickaxe, as you’ll be digging down to nearly bedrock level. Make sure you have 12 eyes of ender set aside to insert into the End portal, which allows you to travel to the End. Good armor and weapons are always nece...
comfortable to use. This is adjustable using the Spyglass Damping slider in Settings on Bedrock ...
Farmer Villagers can now compost seeds 职业为农夫的村民现在会用种子堆肥了 Fish now despawn when further than 64 blocks away from the closest player 现在鱼会在距离玩家超过64格时消失 Huge fungi will now only grow on its matching type of nylium ...
Blue Axolotls have a small chance of spawning as a mutation when breeding two Axolotls 美西螈有多种多样的颜色,除蓝色外都有几率自然生成。蓝色美西螈会在繁殖两只美西螈时小概率生成 Axolotls can survive on dry land for a few minutes. After that they will start to dry out and take continuous ...
Villagers can now spawn iron golems regardless of their profession status or latest working time Walls do not have gaps anymore when stacked vertically Walls will now connect to even more things, such as iron bars, panes, pressure plates, banners, and even pickles ...
大家周五好!1.17.1的第一个预发布版已经发布,可以下载了。本次预览版引入了几项关于游戏机制的修改,并修复了一些漏洞。 Changes in 1.17.1 Pre-release 1 1.17.1 Pre-release 1 的修改内容 Blue axolotls can now only be obtained through breeding
If two villagers simultaneously enter mating mode while they are close to one another, they breed and produce a child. The [[#Appearance|appearance]] is determined by the biome where the breeding occurs {{in|bedrock}}.<ref>{{ytl|AnOeYZi4fgc|t=48m33s}}</ref> [[File:VillagerInLove.png...
which is different from the bedrock can add these deails,but you don't need to put them in java parity by the way,modify the Magma Cube_v2 and Iron Golem and semi-activated creaking heart and large chest because the texture of Iron Golem is still before repair ...