本专栏将尽量简单通俗地描述一下Minecraft的两大发行版本[1](Edition)——Java版(Minecraft:Java Edition)和基岩版(Minecraft:Bedrock Edition,简称BE版)之间的区别,希望能帮到大家。UP主能力有限,难免疏漏,还望大家包容指正。 1.运行平台的差异[2] Java版,官方支持的运行平台: Windows(7或更高)、MacOS和Linux 。...
Minecraft: Java & Bedrock Edition bietet dir Zugang zu beiden Spielen in einem Kauf und einem einheitlichen Startprogramm, was es einfacher denn je macht, von einer Edition zur anderen zu wechseln. Du kannst mit jedem Minecrafter zusammen spielen, indem du einfach zu der Edition wechselst, die...
基岩版是基于C++这种跨平台编写的,所以支持安卓(Android),iOS(iPhone,iPad),Windows 10,Kindle Fire,Fire TV,Windows Mobile,Gear VR,Xbox(One和360版本都支持),PS4,Nintendo Switch等其他设备。而Java版它只能运行在PC端上(在手机上面也有一些不被官方认可的运行方式)它和Java版本不同的是,Java版本是用Java编写...
If you have registered your Minecraft: Java Edition account with a Microsoft account, you now also own Bedrock. That said, Bedrock only runs on a Windows 10/11+ device, not on a Mac/Linux/Win7-8 device. However, if you ever acquire a Windows 10/11 device, your Bedrock entitlement will...
In terms of block formats, both versions have evolved differently. The Java Edition has adopted a flattened block format, where each block type is identified by a unique string, and the block's state is stored separately. On the other hand, the Bedrock Edition also uses a string-based syste...
Minecraft: Bedrock Edition began its life in 2011 as 'Minecraft: Pocket Edition,' and was in an Alpha state until its full release in 2016. Currently, both versions are active and have broad, passionate audiences. For the purposes of clarity, we will be referring to the versions as 'Java...
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訂閱適用於 Bedrock 版本的 Marketplace Pass (或 Realms Plus) 即可存取 150 個以上的世界、外觀與材質套件等,而且每月更新。 注意:Minecraft:Java 版本中的世界/儲存進度與 Minecraft:Bedrock 版本不相容。 對於「並非」使用 Windows 10 或 Windows 11 的玩家,請前往 Minecraft.net/download 取得適用於作業系統的...