duration 1200.0 Decimal Amount of time before the entity grows up, -1 for always a baby. feed_items not set List List of items that can be fed to the entity. Includes 'item' for the item name and 'growth' to define how much time growth is accelerated. grow_...
The Trader Block The trader block allows trading with the villager without having to deal with securing the villager. This block also allows the villager to restock in non-working hours. The restocking time of the villager is not dependent on any external sources like day/night time or dimensio...
Baby villagers are able to grow up inside of blocks, but the functionality of the blocks will not work until they are grown.All blocks keep their stuff inside if they are broken.CurseForge - a world of endless gaming possibilities for modders and gamers alike.Download the best mods and add...
gameplay/hero_of_the_village/unemployed_gift - used if the Villager is unemployed. gameplay/hero_of_the_village/unemployed_gift(玩法/村庄英雄/失业礼物)-当村民失业时使用。 gameplay/hero_of_the_village/baby_gift - used if the Villager is a baby. gameplay/hero_of_the_village/baby_gift(玩法/...
Villager changing its profession while trading. The Trade screen will now close if the Villager ...
Minecraft Baby Horse Stats & Speed up Growth When it comes to the appearance of the foal, they have the colors and markings of one of their parents most of the time. However, the baby horse’s appearance is random and it can be assigned random colors too. If you want a baby horse of...
Other editions Legacy Console Edition Servers Locations Ancient Hunts View source for Villager Back to page| ←Villager View source History
19w13a Baby villagers now give poppies to players under the Hero of the Village effect. 1.14.4Pre-Release 1 Crafting a suspicious stew with a poppy now gives the player Night Vision instead of Speed. 1.1519w34a Flowers can now be used to breed bees. ...
Baby zombie jockeys now check for nearby adult wolves to mount prior to attacking the player, villager, or golem.v0.15.0build 1 Baby husks can now mount wolves. Wolves now attack strays.v0.16.0build 4 Wolves now damage the player in Peaceful difficulty.[verify] ...
Baby Zombie Silverfish Ranged Skeleton Stray Bogged Each Trial Spawner category will only use one mob for the entire structure when generated, and these mobs are randomized for each Trial Chamber For example, one Trial Chamber might only spawn Zombies, Cave Spiders and Strays, whil...