Put the following items in your inventory or hotbar so that this resource pack works : NEW UPDATES! Fix some bugs and add new items. LIST ITEMS Chest, Ender Chest, Shulker Box Spyglass Trident (removed) Filled Map Arrow (removed) Gold Ingot Sword (new) Pickaxe (new) Axe (new) Shove...
How small axe works, and how to craft it. Slingshots, or how to annoy your neighbor by breaking their windows Cooking pot. The best item this mod adds. How to craft signs. Alternate world generation mods like terraforge make structures too common. ...
There are now more realistic weapon animations in the first person sword,axe,pickaxe,hoe,shovel and shield bow,crossbow and trident more first person animation ride swim glide Installation Some weapons are still problematic. Please do not use the latest beta ...
Future features: I plan on adding royal gold, iron, diamond, and netherite textures. I also plan on adding 2 more axe textures. I plan on adding 1 hoe texture for a maxed out netherite hoe... for those who can and want to flex it. I want to make the flaming set for every sword ...
Hello I'm currently working on a texture pack inspired and requested by user I heart Creeper... the following was his suggestions and my inspiration.:Workbeches= care packagesBow = Gunchest = ammo crate Person = one of the characters (i know you can already get this)Ladder = the ladder...
"item.simplecorinthium.corinthium_axe": "Коринфиевыйтопор", "item.simplecorinthium.corinthium_carrot": "Коринфиеваяморковь", "item.simplecorinthium.corinthium_hoe": "Коринфиеваямотыга", "item.simplecorinthium.corinth...
分享488 兄贵吧 天朝禁书目录 【我的世界】音源&材质包/本格的♂木毛音源材质包【1.12】 --- 音源包信息 名称:Aniki&meme Texture Pack (兄贵音源材质包) 对应游戏版本:1.12.2 作者:Josany *下载地址:https://pan.baidu.com/s/17xaTrYVDmmULKCfPg69p4g *视频地址:https://www.bilibili.com/video/av4040221...
The axe enchantments are tool related. Librarian (eyeglasses and a book as a hat) Trades enchanted books, clocks, compasses, name tags, glass, ink sacs, lanterns, and book and quills. Cartographer (golden monocle) Trades banners, compasses, banner patterns, papers, and various maps, ...
Stripping logs, stems, woods, and hyphaes now trigger a sound effect and will decrease the durability of the axe used. Downloads Ghost Block Addon.mcaddon (213.33 KB) Supported Minecraft versions 1.20.80 1.20.70 You may also like... More Infested Block 8 Apr, 2021 Mystic Weapon 25 Sep,...
Wooden Axe 木斧 Wooden Hoe 木锄 Wooden Pickaxe 木镐 Wooden Shovel 木锹 Wooden Sword 木剑 Woodland Explorer Map 林地探险家地图 Written Book 成书 图标英文名称中文名称 Yellow Candle 黄色蜡烛 Yellow Dye 黄色染料 Zoglin Spawn Egg 僵尸疣猪兽刷怪蛋 Zombie Horse Spawn Egg 僵尸马刷怪蛋 Zombie Spawn Egg...