右击打开它就像任何传统的背包mod但它有几个按钮内置。 首先,有按钮,这也是在胸部,这类项目从大到小的顺序编号。 变暖: 不使用任何其他国防部autosorter(如库存调整)与插槽,因为它将无法正常工作,甚至可能删除条目。 接下来,标签按钮: 当autopickup keybind p(默认),它会自动捡起任何物品,直到它已满,溢出将玩家...
WARNING: Do NOT use any other mod's autosorter(such as Inventory Tweaks) as it will not work properly with the the slots and may even delete items. It would be a good idea to blacklist these slots in the config file. The other 2 buttons are only found on the portable form Next, t...
Minecraft Mod. Basic inventory tweaks designed to supplement Inventory Sorter. - TwelveIterationMods/InventoryEssentials
Describe the problem I've been doing several tests for two days, from what I've seen in the documentation, the recommended thing is to use "AUTO_CURSEFORGE" but it doesn't even load the map. Right now I'm just referencing the files local...
Just Another Rotten Flesh to Leather Modbyalexdaum1 A better use for that garbage skin. Just Enough Resources (JER)byway2muchnoise Find where items occur naturally. Just Enough Professions (JEP)byMrbysco How to train your Toad. Auto Planting ForestsbyLothrazar ...
Around The House Conveniences How To Make A Water Elevator How To Make A Piston Door How To Make A Super Smelter How To Make An Auto-Sorter Resource Farms Resource Farms How To Make An Automatic Sugarcane Farm How To Make An Automatic Melon And Pumpkin Farm How To Make A Snow Farm How...
Inventory sorters and shortcuts such as Fastcraft. Mods that aid in writing books/signs such as ColorUtility. Macro / Keybind Modor other keybind mods, likeAutoHotkey. Any purely aesthetic mod like shaders, Better Foliage, Tails, or Mo' Bends. ...
Sorter Experimental Sort and transfer inventories Made for Bedrock Edition 1.20 Added: 5th Jun 2023 Version: 0.0.3 Downloads: 4,848 CAMERA Spectator Mode v4.3.0 [Discontinued] Replay Mod like features for Bedrock as part of Spectator Mode for trusted accounts. Made for Bedrock Edition...
4. 对照MCMOD百科,对名称可疑(例如包含ui、hud、menu等词汇)的模组下手,检查是否为仅客户端模组,如果是则删除 5. 闭眼祈祷,并启动服务端 本以为能轻松秒杀,经历几波报错和来回检查后,我眉头一皱,发现事情并不简单。 于是不得不把目光再次转向日志。
Fix #1256 Use the same lowercase "forestry" for all MOD_ID and resources - mezz Auto-generate changelogs and upload alphas to curse - mezz Fix #1262 NullPointerException from null name in the OreDictionary - mezz v5.0.0 Fix #1258 undo ore unification experiment - mezz ...